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Viewing 1-10 of 258 total results
Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
Server Side Includes SSI (often used with the extension .shtml) is one of the first ways that Web publishers were able to get dynamic content into pages. By using special tags in the pages, a limited form of in-HTML scripting was available. Most implemen...
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Francis Su's Fair Division Page
Francis Su's Fair Division Page Francis Su's Fair Division Page Click on The Fair Division Calculator which has recently been updated! (version 3.01, 4/12/00) A java applet for interactive decision making to find envy-free divisions of goods, burdens, or rent. The Fair Division C...
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Bin Packing Program
smallest to largest. This display also illustrates the color scheme. The Descending entry orders the objects from largest to smallest. Packing is usually improved by starting with the largest objects first. The Pack Menu The entries in the Pack menu take the objects from the top shelf and...
World-Wide Web and Mosaic: An Overview for Librar
could be linked to the cited article, and the process could go on indefinitely. The reader could also backtrack and follow links back to where he or she started. The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows Web servers and clients to communicate is older than the...
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: quantum computing
mechanics. The recent excitement in this lively and speculative domain of research was triggered by Peter Shor (1994) who showed how a quantum algorithm could exponentially “speed-up” classical computation and factor large numbers into primes much more...
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Utah Online Services: RSS Workshop
Userland, Snewp, Amphetadesk, and BottomFeeder. Let's take a look at one of these client-side readers that you may wish to install on your computer: Andrey Tumashinov's NewsZCrawler – ($25). This Windows reader has many features and is easy to set up. It...
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Scripts - Kenneth M. Levasseur, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Massach...
specific periods The Balanced Ternary Number System Egyptian Fractions Numerical Flowers Visible Structures in Number Theory The Phi Number System A Fibonacci Number System Mix & Match Simple Continued Fractions Greatest Common Divisors - the Extended Euclidean A...
Intel Education: Learning About Technology
QuickTime* A System 7 extension for Macintosh from Apple Computer that integrates full-motion video and sound into application programs that gives a seamless integration of video, sound, and animation. Also available as QuickTime for Windows. R RAM (Ran...
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: automated
indicate which formula must be selected next in the application of a rule. Fourth, the quantifier rules provide no indication as to what terms or free variables must be used in their deployment. Fifth, and as a particular case of the previous problem, the application o...
School Integration: Introduction
the races. Little Rock, Arkansas mounted one of the most famous oppositions to integration in 1957 Prince George's County, Maryland, after dragging its feet somewhat on integration, gave up on a freedom of choice plan and ended up implementing a busing system...
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