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index. Note the subsections for information about your biome. Biomes From Kids Do Ecology. Colourful graphics and basic information. CLN Theme Page Select your biome to find a list of annotated links. Earth Floor: Biomes Use this site to find information about the climate and the...
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The Earth Times
Environmental disasters are disasters caused to the natural environment by human activity. Environmental disasters caused by industrial activity, agriculture, pollution or the depletion of natural resources can have a significant impact on a region’s biodiversity, agriculture and economy, ofte...
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Vanishing Sharks Interactive
habitats and get a glimpse of how a sea without sharks might affect plants and animals around them. Sources: "Decrease in Shark Population Harms Ocean Ecosystems," Voice of America News Florida Museum of Natural History, Ichthyology Department 2006 IUCN...
Bagheera in The Wild: Why It Matters
Turtles and Tortoises Global Climate Change Hawaiian Islands Population Growth Island Biography Keystone Species Madagascar Mass Extinction Prarie Threatened Marine Life Tropical Rain Forest Species and Subspecies Spix's Mccaw Species Survival Plan CLASSROOM - Classroom Home...
Acid Buildup in Oceans Threatens Food Chain
acidification. It also strengthens the case for rapid progress on reducing CO2 emissions." Caldeira is a staff scientist at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology in Stanford, Calif. He did the research while at the federal government's Lawrence Livermore National Labo...
Impacts of Change
Unfortunately, some tree species may not be able to migrate as fast as the climate may change. Locations Northeastern United States Decreased Sea Ice Habitat The average thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined markedly over the past few decades. It is estimated that the thickness will further...
Global Warming Facts: Global Impacts
Unfortunately, some tree species may not be able to migrate as fast as the climate may change. Locations Northeastern United States Decreased Sea Ice Habitat The average thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined markedly over the past few decades. It is estimated that the thickness will further...
Polar Regions: Arctic Adaptations and Global Impacts
?" Objectives: Students will identify the arctic Beaufort Sea on the From Sea to Shining Sea map (PDF, Adobe Reader required); research the biological and behavioral adaptations of people, plants, and animals of the Beaufort Sea area; describe the effects of globa...
Science Forum: Extinction Then and Now
Teaching Resources Featured Teaching Resources Geography of a Pencil Activity How People Affect Ocean Animals and Plants
Scholastic: Rainforests
An ecosystem characterized by a dense growth of trees in a very wet climate is called a rain forest. There are two types of rain forests: tropical and temperate. The largest areas of rain forest are in the tropics, and they are amazingly rich in life: they are home to more species of plants a...
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