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 Smithsonian: Cosmic Voyage
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Information This activity is recommended for fourth grade and up. If students have not used coordinate systems, review how to name a location with a letter and number. If stu- dents have difficulty following directions and communicating with one another, the teacher can act as the transmitter for th...
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Information This activity is recommended for fourth grade and up. If students have not used coordinate systems, review how to name a location with a letter and number. If stu- dents have difficulty following directions and communicating with one another, the teacher can act as the transmitter for the entire class. A digital image is composed of pixels (picture elements) that are arranged in rows and columns. Each pixel is assigned a numerical value that represents its relative brightness in the image: the larger the
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Detector Collect and analyze data. Grades six and up Page 32 Get the Picture Use <span class="highlight">pixels</span> to create an <span class="highlight">image</span>. Grades four and up Page 16 Mystery Box Make inferences based on observations. Grades four and up Page 30 Zoom In Investigate size from cells to quarks. Grades seven and up Page 35 Engineer Meet Brynette Smith Page 43 Observing Measuring Understanding Scale Exploring Careers OUR SPACE OUTER SPACE INNER SPACE
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copy one for each pair <span class="highlight">of</span> students in each class. Make a transparency. Copy the &ldquo;Effect <span class="highlight">of</span> Changing Pixel Size&rdquo; on a transparency for class discussion. Procedure Introduce the activity. Ask students to explain how they think scientists get images from spacecraft that do not return to Earth. Let students know that they will simulate how instruments aboard spacecraft collect and transmit images to Earth. Explain the simulation. Instruments aboard spacecraft divide an <span class="highlight">image</span> into tiny squares called <span class="highlight">pixels</span>
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Information This activity is recommended for fourth grade and up. If students have not used coordinate systems, review how to name a location with a letter and number. If stu- dents have difficulty following directions and communicating with one another, the teacher can act as the transmitter for the entire class. A digital <span class="highlight">image</span> is composed <span class="highlight">of</span> <span class="highlight">pixels</span> (picture elements) that are arranged in rows and columns. Each pixel is assigned a numerical value that represents its relative brightness in the <span class="highlight">image</span>: the larger the
 Smithsonian: Reflections on Earth: Exploring Earth from Space Teaching Poster
provides a “signature” for the type of vegetation present. To highlight different features of Earth, scientists combine images made in several broad wavelength bands (see Fig. 3). To create the composite image, colors are assigned to each wavelength band (see Table 1...
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provides a “signature” for the type of vegetation present. To highlight different features of Earth, scientists combine images made in several broad wavelength bands (see Fig. 3). To create the composite image, colors are assigned to each wavelength band (see Table 1 and Fig. 3), and the result is called false-color. The more radiation reflected, the brighter the corresponding color in the image, and these colors are combined by addition, as in a computer monitor or color TV, to produce the image. A satellite
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provides a &ldquo;signature&rdquo; for the type <span class="highlight">of</span> vegetation present. To highlight different features <span class="highlight">of</span> Earth, scientists combine images made in several broad wavelength bands (see Fig. 3). To create the composite <span class="highlight">image</span>, colors are assigned to each wavelength band (see Table 1 and Fig. 3), and the result is called false-<span class="highlight">color</span>. The more radiation reflected, the brighter the corresponding <span class="highlight">color</span> in the <span class="highlight">image</span>, and these colors are combined by addition, as in a computer monitor or <span class="highlight">color</span> TV, to produce the <span class="highlight">image</span>. A satellite
 Smithsonian: Reflections on Earth: Biodiversity and Remote Sensing Teacher Guide
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reflectance properties. The unique spectral properties of a land cover class are derived from a number of factors, including canopy geometry, leaf densities, colors, optical properties and moisture content, shadows, transpiration rates, and the properties of nonvegetated areas....
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reflectance properties. The unique spectral properties of a land cover class are derived from a number of factors, including canopy geometry, leaf densities, colors, optical properties and moisture content, shadows, transpiration rates, and the properties of nonvegetated areas. Defined by the wavelength bands collected for the image analysis, these attributes are known as the class spectral signature. Classification of land cover types using spectral reflectance properties requires the use of a computer to handle the
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Teacher Guide 15 A c ti v it y 3 L an d C ov er M ap pi ng OVERVIEW Thinking more globally, how do scientists assess biodiversity for large regions? In this activity, students emulate scientists by <span class="highlight">using</span> a satellite <span class="highlight">image</span> to determine different land cover types and create a land cover map <span class="highlight">of</span> Front Royal, Virginia. OBJECTIVES Students will be introduced to remote-sensing techniques and their applications in monitoring forest biodiversity. Students will visually interpret a satellite <span class="highlight">image</span> (as opposed to
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reflectance properties. The unique spectral properties <span class="highlight">of</span> a land cover class are derived from a number <span class="highlight">of</span> factors, including canopy geometry, leaf densities, colors, optical properties and moisture content, shadows, transpiration rates, and the properties <span class="highlight">of</span> nonvegetated areas. Defined by the wavelength bands collected for the <span class="highlight">image</span> analysis, these attributes are known as the class spectral signature. Classification <span class="highlight">of</span> land cover types <span class="highlight">using</span> spectral reflectance properties requires the use <span class="highlight">of</span> a computer to handle the
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Landsat TM <span class="highlight">image</span> has a resolution <span class="highlight">of</span> 30 m. A 1-ha plot (100 m x 100 m) would be equivalent to approximately 9 <span class="highlight">pixels</span> (a square <span class="highlight">of</span> 3 <span class="highlight">pixels</span> by 3 <span class="highlight">pixels</span>). School biodiversity plots are only 20 m2.) 5. Ask students what factors might affect the use <span class="highlight">of</span> satellite images. (Cloud cover, for example, can reduce the detail obtained from a Landsat <span class="highlight">image</span>.) EXTENSIONS 1. Repeat the above activity with a satellite <span class="highlight">image</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> your school site, (which should be available from the USGS web site) and a local topographic map
Image Processing Research Group
Kangyu Ni, Xavier Bresson, Tony Chan and Selim Esedoglu, Local Histogram Based Segmentation Using the Wasserstein Distance, July 2008. [pdf ] Jerome Darbon, A Simple Efficient Combinatorial Algorithm for Discrete Total Variation Minimization: ROF and the s,t-minimum-cut problem, July...
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Factor by Grouping
where the leading coefficient is "1". Factoring by Grouping condensed: 1. Find the product of ac. 2. Find two factors of ac that add to up to b. 3. Split the middle term into two terms using these factors. 4. Group the four terms to form two pairs. 5...
Using the Computer to Measure Sunspots
YPOP: Using the Computer to Measure Sunspots Using the Computer to Measure Sunspots Overview: In this tutorial, students will learn to use computer image processing techniques to measure the size of sunspots and analyze various phenomena visible on in solar system imag...
Science NetLinks: Sunspots 2: Correlating Sunspots to ...
students compare and contrast the two. Ask students to discuss possible reasons why the two graphs differ from each other. Possible reasons include: Different colors were included in the x-ray areas The visible light sunspot areas have far fewer pixels, and so are much more sensitive to sma...
 ReadWriteThink: Art Explication: 'The Birth of Venus' by Botticelli
ART EXPLICATION: The Birth of Venus by Botticelli 1. Quick Sketch: Complete a quick sketch of the major elements in this painting. 2. Color and Light: During the Renaissance, a new technique for modeling forms in painting by which lighter parts seemed to emerge from dar...
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ART EXPLICATION: The Birth of Venus by Botticelli 1. Quick Sketch: Complete a quick sketch of the major elements in this painting. 2. Color and Light: During the Renaissance, a new technique for modeling forms in painting by which lighter parts seemed to emerge from darker areas, producing the illusion of rounded, sculptural relief on a flat surface. Identify and explain how two areas of the painting employ this technique. 3. Composition: During the Renaissance, the rigid profile portraits
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ART EXPLICATION: The Birth <span class="highlight">of</span> Venus by Botticelli 1. Quick Sketch: Complete a quick sketch <span class="highlight">of</span> the major elements in this painting. 2. <span class="highlight">Color</span> and Light: During the Renaissance, a new <span class="highlight">technique</span> for modeling forms in painting by which lighter parts seemed to emerge from darker areas, producing the illusion <span class="highlight">of</span> rounded, sculptural relief on a flat surface. Identify and explain how two areas <span class="highlight">of</span> the painting employ this <span class="highlight">technique</span>. 3. Composition: During the Renaissance, the rigid profile portraits
Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
arose because most of the early cells were derived from primary tissue explants, a technique that dominated the field for over 50 years. As established cell lines emerged, the application of well-defined normal and transformed cells in biomedical investigations has become an im...
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traditional manner by using a camera for data collection. Topics typically overlooked, such as texture, color, shapes, natural framing, or contrasts created by natural objects can be investigated. New ways to view ecosystems can be explored; new understandings about ecosy...
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