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 Poverty, Old-Age and Social Pensions in Kenya
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49 49
Nanak Kakwani, H yun H . Son and Richard H inz 33 TABLE 5.2 Probit regression results for the elderly (a) Dependent variable is poverty indicator (poor = 1 and non-poor = 0) Elderly 55 & over Elderly 60 & over Variables Marginal Effect Robust z statistics Mean Marginal effect ...
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Nanak Kakwani, H yun H . Son and Richard H inz 33 TABLE 5.2 Probit regression results for the elderly (a) Dependent variable is poverty indicator (poor = 1 and non-poor = 0) Elderly 55 & over Elderly 60 & over Variables Marginal Effect Robust z statistics Mean Marginal effect Robust z statistics Mean Married monogamous 0.341 1.88 0.56 0.375 1.81 0.53 Married polygamous 0.337 1.91 0.25 0.352 1.76 0.27 Divorced/separated 0.352* 2.00 0.01 0.364 1.92 0.01 Widowed
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Nanak Kakwani, H yun H . Son and Richard H inz 33 TABLE 5.2 Probit regression results for the elderly (a) Dependent variable is poverty indicator (poor = 1 and non-poor = 0) Elderly 55 &amp; over Elderly 60 &amp; over Variables Marginal Effect <span class="highlight">Robust</span> z statistics Mean Marginal effect <span class="highlight">Robust</span> z statistics Mean Married monogamous 0.341 1.88 0.56 0.375 1.81 0.53 Married polygamous 0.337 1.91 0.25 0.352 1.76 0.27 Divorced/separated 0.352* 2.00 0.01 0.364 1.92 0.01 Widowed
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N OTES 1. The results are very <span class="highlight">robust</span> to the choice of reference household size. 2. Initially, we were planning to m ake a further adjustm ent in the poverty line to take into account health expenditures, as these are likely to be higher am ong the elderly. W e attem pted this exercise <span class="highlight">using</span> a regression m odel of health expenditure but we did not get significant results. As such, we dropped this idea of adjusting the poverty lines by the health expenditure of the elderly. 3. Since official