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 Career/Technical Education Framework (CA Dept. of Education)
163 163
227 227
262 262
289 289
372 372
Engineering Technology | 269 EN G IN EE R IN G A N D D ES IG N Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable Leadership and Teamwork 9.3: Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and the attainment of goals. The team is observed working c...
1 0
Engineering Technology | 269 EN G IN EE R IN G A N D D ES IG N Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable Leadership and Teamwork 9.3: Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and the attainment of goals. The team is observed working cooperatively and effectively. All members participate and contribute. Effective use is made of the tools of TQM and QI. Project is com- pleted before the deadline. The team is observed
163 0
Agricultural Business | 143 A G R IC U LT U R E A N D N A T U R A L R ES O U R C ES Performance task rubric: Your grade will be based on the following rubric. Individual teachers should determine how to weight the standards and assign points for each level. Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable ANR A4.6: Understand how to determine the tax obligations for an agribusiness. Student <span class="highlight">com</span>- pletes all three forms within 5 percent of the correct total. Student <span class="highlight">com</span>- pletes all three
227 0
Mechanical Construction | 207 B U IL D IN G T R A D ES A N D C O N ST R U C T IO N Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable Academics 1.2 Investigation and Experimentation (grades nine through twelve) 1.a: Select and use appropriate tools and technol- ogy (such as <span class="highlight">com</span>- puter-linked probes, spreadsheets, and graphing calculators) to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data. (10 points) Uses a multime- ter to measure multiple quali- ties and sets up
262 0
con- ventional energy resources, giving three examples for each. (5 points) Students calculate the percentage of increase and decrease of energy resources for the four types of con- ventional energy resources, giving one example for each. (3 points) Students calculate the percentage of increase and de- crease of energy resources for up to three types of conventional energy resources. (1 point) Communications 2.1 Reading <span class="highlight">Com</span>- prehension (grades nine and ten) 2.6: Demonstrate use of
289 0
Engineering Technology | 269 EN G IN EE R IN G A N D D ES IG N Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable Leadership and Teamwork 9.3: Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and the attainment of goals. The team is observed working cooperatively and effectively. All members participate and contribute. Effective use is made of the tools of TQM and QI. Project is <span class="highlight">com</span>- pleted before the deadline. The team is observed
372 0
completely <span class="highlight">com</span>- municates the processes observed and measured. (15 points) Analysis of map- ping tools, func- tions, and features is general and focuses on the busi- ness applications of the software. The analysis <span class="highlight">com</span>- municates the processes observed and measured. (10 points) Analysis of map- ping tools, func- tions, and features lacks detail and focus on business applications. The analysis does not successfully communicate the processes observed and measured. (5 points) Analysis of mapping