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Viewing 31-40 of 228 total results
Beacon Learning Center: Shopping Spree
Beacon Lesson Plan Library Beacon Lesson Plan Library Shopping Spree Christy Clanton Bay District Schools Description In Shopping Spree, students use estimation skills as they race a thirty- minute time limit to spend no more than $1,000 in a toy catalog. Standards Florida Sun...
 Basics of Cladistic Analysis
References Adams, E. N., III. 1972. Consensus techniques and the comparison of taxonomic trees. Systematic Zoology 21:390-397. Bremer, K. 1990. Combinable component consensus. Cladistics 6:369-372. Camin, J. H. and R. R. Sokal. 1965. A method for deducing branching sequences in...
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References Adams, E. N., III. 1972. Consensus techniques and the comparison of taxonomic trees. Systematic Zoology 21:390-397. Bremer, K. 1990. Combinable component consensus. Cladistics 6:369-372. Camin, J. H. and R. R. Sokal. 1965. A method for deducing branching sequences in phylogeny. Evolution 19:311-326. Farris, J. S. 1969. A successive approximations approach to character weighting. Systematic Zoology 18:374-385. Farris, J. S. 1970. Methods for computing Wagner trees. Systematic Zoology
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References Adams, E. N., III. 1972. Consensus techniques and the comparison <span class="highlight">of</span> taxonomic trees. <span class="highlight">Systematic</span> Zoology 21:390-397. Bremer, K. 1990. Combinable component consensus. Cladistics 6:369-372. Camin, J. H. and R. R. Sokal. 1965. A method for deducing branching sequences in phylogeny. Evolution 19:311-326. Farris, J. S. 1969. A successive approximations approach to character weighting. <span class="highlight">Systematic</span> Zoology 18:374-385. Farris, J. S. 1970. Methods for computing Wagner trees. <span class="highlight">Systematic</span> Zoology
Sights and Sounds from Jaguars Phantoms of the Night
National Geographic Jaguars: Silent Killer--Photographs, Sound [an error occurred while processing this directive] © 2001 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Tournament Scheduling - Math Forum, Ask Dr. Math Common Question
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Archives: Tournament Scheduling Ask Dr. Math Tournament Scheduling Dr. Math Home || Elementary || Middle School || High School || College || Dr. Math FAQ Tournament Scheduling, a selection of answers from the Dr. Math archives. Round R...
Math Central: Thoughts on Teaching Perm. and Combi
of n distinct objects I find it useful to introduce the number of permutations of n distinct objects taken r at a time as follows: Suppose that n people show up at a theatre but inside the main doors there is only room for a queue of length r people betwe...
The California Space and Science Center
Welcome to Once upon a time there was a project called the California Space and Science Center. It was an idea that grew out of a $100 million dollar lottery prize in the California State Lottery in 1987. At the time I was an employee of th...
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Scholastic: Time-Boosting Strategies That Add Precious Minutes to Your Day
principal to help you control time-wasters such as unexpected visitors and frequent intercom announcements. Schedule solid blocks of teaching time for each day. You might even hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign outside your door during those times. Also, secure your princi...
Study Guides & Strategies: Developing self-discipline
your computer, on your breakfast table: Check off days you successfully follow up. If you break the routine, start over! Advantage: Visualizing is a ready reinforcement of progress Role models: Observe the people in your life and see to what extent self discipline and habits help...
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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: connectionism
Section 7 below.) A somewhat different concern about the adequacy of connectionist language processing focuses on tasks that mimic infant learning of simple artificial grammars. Data on reaction time confirms that infants can learn to distinguish well-formed from ill-f...
 Geographical Mobility: 2002 to 2003
to independent population esti- Nonsampling errors in surveys may Demographic Statistical Methods mates for March 2003. The sam- be attributed to a variety of Division on the Internet at ple size of the ASEC is about sources, such as how the survey dsmd.source.and.accuracy@ 78,000 int...
1 0
to independent population esti- Nonsampling errors in surveys may Demographic Statistical Methods mates for March 2003. The sam- be attributed to a variety of Division on the Internet at ple size of the ASEC is about sources, such as how the survey dsmd.source.and.accuracy@ 78,000 interviewed households. was designed, how respondents For annual time series from the interpret questions, how able and CPS, data collected in the 2003 willing respondents are to provide MORE INFORMATION ASEC may be
15 0
to independent population esti- Nonsampling errors in surveys may Demographic Statistical Methods mates for March 2003. The sam- be attributed to a variety <span class="highlight">of</span> Division on the Internet at ple size <span class="highlight">of</span> the ASEC is about sources, such as how the survey dsmd.source.and.accuracy@ 78,000 interviewed households. was designed, how respondents For annual <span class="highlight">time</span> series from the interpret questions, how able and CPS, data collected in the 2003 willing respondents are to provide MORE INFORMATION ASEC may be
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