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 Cash Transfer Programmes in Brazil: Impacts on Inequality and Poverty
Fabio Veras Soares, Sergei Soares, M arcelo M edeiros and Rafael G uerreiro O sório 21 Returning to the concentration of the different com ponents, it is interesting to observe that the m ost concentrated com ponent is the one that refers to the incom e from rents w ith a co...
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Fabio Veras Soares, Sergei Soares, M arcelo M edeiros and Rafael G uerreiro O sório 21 Returning to the concentration of the different com ponents, it is interesting to observe that the m ost concentrated com ponent is the one that refers to the incom e from rents w ith a concentration index of 77.80, follow ed by the pensions and retirem ent funds that are above the social security floor, w ith a concentration index of 75.78, and by the residual incom e com ponent that w e associate w ith
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Fabio Veras Soares, Sergei Soares, M arcelo M edeiros and Rafael G uerreiro O s&oacute;rio 21 Returning to the concentration of the different <span class="highlight">com</span> ponents, it is interesting to observe that the m ost concentrated <span class="highlight">com</span> ponent is the one that refers to the incom e from rents w ith a concentration index of 77.80, follow ed by the pensions and retirem ent funds that are above the social security floor, w ith a concentration index of 75.78, and by the residual incom e <span class="highlight">com</span> ponent that w e associate w ith
 The Post-Apartheid Evolution of Earnings Inequality in South Africa, 1995-2004
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Phillippe G. Leite, Terry McKinley and Rafael Guerreiro O sorio 15 The decom position of changes in inequality yields three term s: one for the changes in the w eight of the incom e com ponent in total incom e; another for the changes in the concentration (i.e., relative distribution) of th...
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Phillippe G. Leite, Terry McKinley and Rafael Guerreiro O sorio 15 The decom position of changes in inequality yields three term s: one for the changes in the w eight of the incom e com ponent in total incom e; another for the changes in the concentration (i.e., relative distribution) of the incom e com ponent; and a third for the interaction betw een the tw o. Table 4 show s that the Gini coefficient of total incom e rose 2.7 per cent from 1995 to 2000 as a result of these factors. The first
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Phillippe G. Leite, Terry McKinley and Rafael Guerreiro O sorio 5 C. DECOMPO SITIO N S O F THE GEN ERALIZED EN TRO PY MEASURES 1. STATIC D ECOM POSITION Generalized Entropy inequality indexes have the advantage&mdash;<span class="highlight">com</span> pared to the Gini coefficient&mdash;of being decom posable (statically) into sub-groups. For this study, w e use nine characteristics of the heads of households to differentiate the population into the follow ing sub-groups: Age of household head i) under 25, ii) 25-34, iii) 35-44, iv) 45
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Phillippe G. Leite, Terry McKinley and Rafael Guerreiro O sorio 15 The decom position of changes in inequality yields three term s: one for the changes in the w eight of the incom e <span class="highlight">com</span> ponent in total incom e; another for the changes in the concentration (i.e., relative distribution) of the incom e <span class="highlight">com</span> ponent; and a third for the interaction betw een the tw o. Table 4 show s that the Gini coefficient of total incom e rose 2.7 per cent from 1995 to 2000 as a result of these factors. The first
 Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico: Impacts upon Inequality
Sergei Soares; Rafael G uerreiro O sório; Fábio Veras Soares; Marcelo Medeiros and Eduardo Zepeda 9 W here G is the G ini index, ck represents the coefficient of concentration of factor com ponent k relative to total incom e and φk is the w eight of factor k in total inco...
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Sergei Soares; Rafael G uerreiro O sório; Fábio Veras Soares; Marcelo Medeiros and Eduardo Zepeda 9 W here G is the G ini index, ck represents the coefficient of concentration of factor com ponent k relative to total incom e and φk is the w eight of factor k in total incom e. D ifferencing [1] w e have: ( )k k k k k G c cϕ ϕ∆ = ∆ + ∆ � [2] The first term in the sum m ation represents the com position effect and the second the effect of the change in the coefficient of concentration. If w e
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Sergei Soares; Rafael G uerreiro O s&oacute;rio; F&aacute;bio Veras Soares; Marcelo Medeiros and Eduardo Zepeda 9 W here G is the G ini index, ck represents the coefficient of concentration of factor <span class="highlight">com</span> ponent k relative to total incom e and &phi;k is the w eight of factor k in total incom e. D ifferencing [1] w e have: ( )k k k k k G c c&#981; &#981;&#8710; = &#8710; + &#8710; &#65533; [2] The first term in the sum m ation represents the <span class="highlight">com</span> position effect and the second the effect of the change in the coefficient of concentration. If w e