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NARA: The Treaty of Paris
NARA Exhibit: American Originals, Part 2: The Treaty of Paris, 1783 National Archives and Records Administration Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s) The Treaty of Paris The treaty, sent to Congress by the American negotiators, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay, formally...
Britain's Royal Academy of Art in the Late 1700s and Early 1800s
Gainsborough; the landscapist Richard Wilson; and Benjamin West, a colonial American who became president upon Reynolds' death in 1792. (continue) Captions 1. 1John Crome, Moonlight on the Yare, c. 1816/1817 2Thomas Gainsborough, Seashore with Fishermen, c. 1781/1782 3Thomas Gainsborough, Mounta...
 Smithsonian: Portraits of the Presidents
regulate commerce and navigation 1797 Gave farewell address John Adams 1735–1826 1776 Appointed to committee to prepare Declaration of Independence 1783 With Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, negotiated Paris peace treaty with Great Britain 1785 Appointed first American minister to the...
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regulate commerce and navigation 1797 Gave farewell address John Adams 1735–1826 1776 Appointed to committee to prepare Declaration of Independence 1783 With Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, negotiated Paris peace treaty with Great Britain 1785 Appointed first American minister to the Court of St. James’s 1789 Elected Vice President 1792 Reelected Vice President 1796 Elected President 1798 Signed Alien and Sedition Acts Thomas Jefferson 1743–1826 1776 Appointed to prepare Declaration of Independence 1785
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regulate commerce and navigation 1797 Gave farewell address John Adams 1735&ndash;1826 1776 Appointed to committee to prepare Declaration of Independence <span class="highlight">1783</span> With Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, negotiated Paris peace treaty with Great Britain 1785 Appointed first American minister to the Court of St. James&rsquo;s 1789 Elected Vice President 1792 Reelected Vice President 1796 Elected President 1798 Signed Alien and Sedition Acts Thomas Jefferson 1743&ndash;1826 1776 Appointed to prepare Declaration of Independence 1785
The American Revolution: EPISODE DESCRIPTIONS
Trenton. EPISODE 4: "Oh Fatal Ambition" 1777-1778 The "united" states remain in dire need of funds and military support. Congress dispatches Benjamin Franklin to France in hopes of creating an alliance which will provide both. Meanwhile, a British army marches down the Hudson...
Archiving Early America: Jay's Treaty
Louisiana Purchase Treaty Newburgh Address Declaration of Arms Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 Letter of Transmittal of the U.S. Constitution Declaration of Rights Jay's Treaty Northwest Ordinance Washington's Farewell Address Boston Massacre Rare Images Places Events Early Scenes People Battle...
Benjamin Franklin as A Scientist
meteorologists don't chase storms on horseback, but they do continue to plot the course of storms. Since Ben spent so much time sailing to Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, he became very interested in both ocean currents and shipbuilding. Ben was actually one of the first people to chart the Gulf...
Franklin Institute: Benjamin Franklin - Scientist
meteorologists don't chase storms on horseback, but they do continue to plot the course of storms. Since Ben spent so much time sailing to Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, he became very interested in both ocean currents and shipbuilding. Ben was actually one of the first people to chart the Gulf...
Ferdinand of Aragon
Declaration of Independence, the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787. All his life, Franklin used his curiosity in the development of creative and at the same time practical inventions and in the...
Francis II
Declaration of Independence, the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787. All his life, Franklin used his curiosity in the development of creative and at the same time practical inventions and in the...
Benjamin Franklin
Declaration of Independence, the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War, and the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787. All his life, Franklin used his curiosity in the development of creative and at the same time practical inventions and in the...
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