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 Science Booklet
Anatomical evidence: evidence gath- ered from body structure and its com- position. Benchmarks: benchmarks indicate developmentally appropriate content Knowledge and skills at specific grade levels or at a cluster of grade levels. Big Bang Theory: theory that our universe began with the start...
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Anatomical evidence: evidence gath- ered from body structure and its com- position. Benchmarks: benchmarks indicate developmentally appropriate content Knowledge and skills at specific grade levels or at a cluster of grade levels. Big Bang Theory: theory that our universe began with the start of an expansion from a highly condensed point of matter long ago. Biological abnormalities: abnormali- ties rooted in the life processes. Celestial: of or relating to that which exists outside of the earth (as
48 0$FILE/Science%20Content%20Stds.pdf#page=48
Anatomical evidence: evidence gath- ered from body structure and its <span class="highlight">com</span>- position. Benchmarks: benchmarks indicate developmentally appropriate content Knowledge and skills at specific grade levels or at a cluster of grade levels. Big Bang Theory: theory that our universe began with the start of an expansion from a highly condensed point of matter long ago. Biological abnormalities: abnormali- ties rooted in the life processes. Celestial: of or relating to that which exists outside of the earth (as