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Viewing 1-10 of 26 total results
Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
Image Processing and Analysis - John Russ has taught hands-on courses and extended workshops in image processing and analysis to more than 3000 students, worldwide, over the course of his career. His one-day tutorials and lectures, sponsored by various professional socie...
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EDSITEment: Personal or Social Tragedy? A Close Reading of Edith Wharton's "Ethan Fro...
least, the one thing needed to change Ethan’s life from a hell to a heaven would have been the full and free expression of his love for Matt. Romantic love, as idealized for us by our forefathers, has long ago gone into bankruptcy. Had Zeena died and Matt married...
The Upper Palouse Restoration Project
Custom Search of AE Site The Upper Palouse Restoration Project Introducing the Scientific Method Using Techniques for Field Data Collection and Analysis Tom Stralser Type of entry: Lesson/ class activity Preparation of a project Type of activity: Ha...
Genetics the Easy Way
forked-line method; I prefer it since it will line up the genotypic and phenotypic ratios in a nice order, saving the time of counting through all the squares. To do this method, one simply writes the ratio of the first cross one on top of another ...
EDSITEment: Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury": April Eighth, 1928: Narrating f...
novel, therefore, brings us full circle to Benjy, who sees the world in black/white, clear-cut terms based on what object passes his line of vision at any given moment. In this final scene, Jason has ordered Luster and Benjy to "'Get to hell on home'"...
EDSITEment: Kate Chopin's The Awakening: Chopin, Realism and Local Color in Late 19th Cen...
Awakening reflect attributes of literary realism, local color, and/or regionalism? How does the Louisiana setting and Creole culture of The Awakening work as an important component of Edna's transformation? Learning Objectives Define literary realism and discuss it as a...
Will the Best Candidate Win?
determined in sports tournaments or when many alternatives are available. Note: A nice follow-up to this activity sheet is a discussion about variations of the plurality method including runoff elections, the electoral college, and two-thirds majority. Another variatio...
EDSITEment: Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying": Crossing the River
only section in the novel. How is the river crossing significant to each of the characters involved? A useful but brief commentary about the river crossing (see "The First Threat: Flood") is available at William Faulkner on the Web, via the EDSITEment...
Smithsonian: Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Times
Theisen's portrait of Hemingway with the leopard at the web site: or in the exhibition catalogue on p. 42) Extension 1. If your class is reading A Farewell to Arms or The Sun Also Rises, distribute copies of the...
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Hungering for Help: Genetically Modified Foods and
were unsuited to its harsh environment, and the Green Revolution hurt some subsistence farmers who could not afford the chemical fertilizers required for optimum growth of the new strains. The fact remains, though, that the Green Revolution marked a significant increase in wo...
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