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Viewing 1-9 of 9 total results
Dogs Called Up in War on Terrorism
epidemiologists, scientists who track diseases, will be able to determine if it was deliberately unleashed or naturally occurring. Based on veterinary records, researchers can then see where the disease is spreading and how fast. Human medical centers do not have a comparable national sur...
Watching You: The World of High-tech Surveillance
the whole thing and taking notice. Just nine months earlier the center had installed a state-of-the-art electronic surveillance system called Poseidon, a network of cameras that feeds a computer programmed to use a set of complex mathematical algorithms to distinguish between normal an...
Pinecone-Inspired 'Smart' Clothes Expand, Contract
millions of years and mimicking them to develop cutting edge designs and products. This isn't a new discipline—in the 15th century Leonardo da Vinci designed flying machines based on his studies of birds. But recently biomimetics has become the focus of increased scientific investigatio...
Scientists 'Drive' Rats by Remote Control
dangerous or difficult jobs such as locating survivors in collapsed buildings or clearing fields of hidden landmines, said Sanjiv K. Talwar of the State University of New York. Other uses might include pest control, military surveillance, and mapping of underground areas, said Talwar, who le...
NASA Should Lead Asteroid Defense, Group Says
sized (thousand-yard) objects by 2008, and it is making "excellent progress" on this goal, the report said. However, a full survey of objects that could cause significant damage on Earth should reach down to NEOs at least as small as 200 meters (220 yards), the report said, which should b...
'Bird Flu' Could Be Slowed at the Source, Study Says
Bird Flu" Could Be Slowed at the Source, Study Says National Geographic News, Reporting Your World Daily Thursday, October 28, 2010 MAIN ANIMAL NEWS ANCIENT WORLD ENVIRONMENT NEWS CULTURES NEWS SPACE/TECH NEWS WEIRD PHOTOS VIDEO "Bird Flu" Could Be Slowed at the Sou...
Teachable Moment
Classroom Lessons Election Exit Polls & Demographics Nov. 12, 2012 Students learn about "demographics" and exit polls, examine exit polls from the 2012 election, and create their own school poll. After the 2012 election: Does our system need reforming? Nov. 9, 2012...
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'Green-based' Urban Growth: Next Wave of Environmentalism
Green-Based" Urban Growth: Next Wave of Environmentalism National Geographic News, Reporting Your World Daily Thursday, October 28, 2010 MAIN ANIMAL NEWS ANCIENT WORLD ENVIRONMENT NEWS CULTURES NEWS SPACE/TECH NEWS WEIRD PHOTOS VIDEO "Green-Based" Urba...
Kentucky Department of Education
Upcoming Training Opportunities Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS) Curriculum Documents and Resources Overview Curriculum Maps Teaching Tools English/Language Arts Overview American Diploma Project Aligned Curriculum Modules English Language Arts Decons...
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