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 English Language Arts Content Standards - Curriculum Frameworks (CA Dept of Education)
79 79
83 83
Listening and Speaking GRADES ELEVEN AND TWELVE 2.4 Deliver multimedia presentations: a. Combine text, images, and sound by incorporating information from a wide range of media, including films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, online information, television, videos, and electronic media-gener...
1 0
Listening and Speaking GRADES ELEVEN AND TWELVE 2.4 Deliver multimedia presentations: a. Combine text, images, and sound by incorporating information from a wide range of media, including films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, online information, television, videos, and electronic media-generated images. b. Select an appropriate medium for each element of the presentation. c. Use the selected media skillfully, editing appropriately and monitoring for quality. d. Test the audience’s response and
79 0
conventional style for that type of document (e.g., r&eacute;sum&eacute;, memorandum) and use page formats, fonts, and spacing that contribute to the readability and impact of the document. 2.6 Deliver multimedia presentations: a. Combine text, images, and sound and draw information from many sources (e.g., television broadcasts, <span class="highlight">videos</span>, films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, the Internet, electronic media-generated images). b. Select an appropriate medium for each element of the presentation. c. Use the selected media
83 0
Listening and Speaking GRADES ELEVEN AND TWELVE 2.4 Deliver multimedia presentations: a. Combine text, images, and sound by incorporating information from a wide range of media, including films, newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, online information, television, <span class="highlight">videos</span>, and electronic media-generated images. b. Select an appropriate medium for each element of the presentation. c. Use the selected media skillfully, editing appropriately and monitoring for quality. d. Test the audience&rsquo;s response and