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 Optics: Energy and Control
42 42
52 52
Optics Subtask 9 OPTICS - SEEING IS BELIEVING! Energy and Control An Integrated Unit for Grade 8 mins240 Notes to Teacher 1. A review of the properties of light might include: a) Light travels in straight lines and its intensity decreases with distance from its source. b...
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Optics Subtask 9 OPTICS - SEEING IS BELIEVING! Energy and Control An Integrated Unit for Grade 8 mins240 Notes to Teacher 1. A review of the properties of light might include: a) Light travels in straight lines and its intensity decreases with distance from its source. b) Light reflects from a plane mirror according to the law of reflection. c) Light is refracted by transparent materials. d) Light is a form of energy e) The visible light spectrum is made up of different colours f) Visible light is only
42 0
Optics Subtask 9 OPTICS - SEEING IS BELIEVING! Energy and Control An Integrated Unit for Grade 8 mins240 Notes to Teacher 1. A review of the properties of <span class="highlight">light</span> might include: a) <span class="highlight">Light</span> travels <span class="highlight">in</span> straight lines and its intensity decreases with distance from its <span class="highlight">source</span>. b) <span class="highlight">Light</span> reflects from a plane mirror according to the law of reflection. c) <span class="highlight">Light</span> is refracted by transparent materials. d) <span class="highlight">Light</span> is a form of energy e) The visible <span class="highlight">light</span> spectrum is made up of different colours f) Visible <span class="highlight">light</span> is only
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Incandescence Any object that emits visible <span class="highlight">light</span> because it is heated to a high temperature is incandescent. Examples of this are candles and any form of fire. Even objects that we don&rsquo;t normally view as a <span class="highlight">light</span> <span class="highlight">source</span> are incandescent if they produce <span class="highlight">light</span>. A stove element or the element inside of a toaster are good examples of this. Bioluminescence Fireflies sparking <span class="highlight">on</span> a summer's evening. Jellyfish glowing <span class="highlight">in</span> night waters. These are examples of bioluminescence - <span class="highlight">light</span> emitted by living organisms
WebMuseum: Eyck, Jan van
angel's jewels. The clarity would be too intense were it not also soft, an integrating, enveloping presence. This diffused presence, impartial in its luminescence, is also a spiritual light, surrogate of God Himself, who loves all that He has made. The symbolism goes even deepe...
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Shadow Games
Goal: Students discover how light source, object, and distance affect the shadows' shapes Grade Level: K-5 Objectives: Create shapes in the form of shadows by directing light source at object Change light, distance from object, angle, and/or shape a...
 Lighting for Libraries
6 6
11 11
13 13
Page 12 5.1.1 Indirect Lighting Indirect lighting uses fluorescent or metal halide lamps to up light a light color ceiling; the resulting reflected light is inherently very soft, shadow-free, and low-glare. Indirect lighting works well for both paper-based...
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Page 12 5.1.1 Indirect Lighting Indirect lighting uses fluorescent or metal halide lamps to up light a light color ceiling; the resulting reflected light is inherently very soft, shadow-free, and low-glare. Indirect lighting works well for both paper-based and computer tasks in rooms where the ceiling height is at least 9'-6" and preferably more than 10'-0". 5.1.2 Direct Lighting Direct lighting uses down lights to illuminate the reading tables. The down lights can be as small
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Page 5 lamps have a bluish-white color; some librarians prefer this color, especially <span class="highlight">in</span> desert climates, where the cool color of <span class="highlight">light</span> may psychologically imply a cool relief from the hot exterior environment. It should be noted that the choice of lamp color has no effect <span class="highlight">on</span> <span class="highlight">light</span> levels or cost - it is basically an aesthetic choice. Regardless of which color is selected, the <span class="highlight">light</span> spectrum from standard fluorescent lamps provides adequate color <span class="highlight">rendering</span> for the visual tasks <span class="highlight">in</span>
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Page 10 Some designers try to combine the parallel and perpendicular schemes into a diagonal arrangement of rows, but this offers no <span class="highlight">real</span> advantages and creates a visually distracting layout that is hard to coordinate with the ceiling structure. 4.2.3 Indirect Scheme The indirect scheme uses up lights <span class="highlight">on</span> top of the stacks or suspended from the ceiling. All of the <span class="highlight">light</span> is reflected off the ceiling, so the illumination <span class="highlight">on</span> the stacks is very <span class="highlight">soft</span>, and the entire range of stacks appears
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Page 12 5.1.1 Indirect Lighting Indirect lighting uses fluorescent or metal halide lamps to up <span class="highlight">light</span> a <span class="highlight">light</span> color ceiling; the resulting reflected <span class="highlight">light</span> is inherently very <span class="highlight">soft</span>, <span class="highlight">shadow</span>-free, and low-glare. Indirect lighting works well for both paper-<span class="highlight">based</span> and computer tasks <span class="highlight">in</span> rooms where the ceiling height is at least 9'-6&quot; and preferably more than 10'-0&quot;. 5.1.2 Direct Lighting Direct lighting uses down lights to illuminate the reading tables. The down lights can be as small
On 258 ("There's a certain Slant of light")
On 258 ("There's a certain Slant of light") On 258 ("There's a certain Slant of light") YVOR WINTERS The three poems which combine [Emily Dickinson's] greatest power with her finest execution are strangely on much the same theme, both as reg...
Silhouette Outlines
differences to the shadow Describe the relationship of the person, the light source, and the silhouette Subject Area or Standard: Science, Measurement and Art Materials Needed: Movable light source (lamp, flash light, etc.) Large...
Marble Lady Painting by Jaisini
looks avariciously at a young woman who sits on the table's edge and drinks wine directly from a bottle. Her body is in purple color with red reflects. The light on her face and the highlights on her hair waves are yellow, the shadow is deep. "Hot Dog...
Painting: Tools
Painting Tools: Palette Knives, Brayers, Sponges and Brushes windowtoart: "PAINTING": TOOLS Palette Knife & Brayer Dry Brush & Sponge Painting Choices LET'S LOOK AT PAINTING TOOLS The "instruments" chosen for a painting effect the visual content of color and...
Harvard University: The Earth's Rotation
doing, learn useful measuring and organizational techniques. The ability to measure and present data is an essential skill in any scientific investigation. Topic 1: Light and Shadow A shadow occurs when an opaque object blocks light from the sun or other ligh...
in our lives. Without light we would not be able to see. Light from the sun generates heat, and can be used to generate electricity. To do this, light must travel to us. Do you know what light is, and how light travels to us? Read on to find out. ...
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