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Webopedia: What is Encryption?
Simplicity Kit” now.» Read “10 Data Center Server Hardware Must-Haves” now: Find out which 10 hardware additions will help you maintain excellent service and outstanding security for you and your customers. » Read “3 Ways to Secure Y...
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The Internet
As with any new facility, there will be a period of very light usage until the community of users experiments with the network and begins to depend upon it. One of our goals must be to stimulate the immediate and easy use by a wide class of users. - Steve Crocker;...
Average Rating (0 votes) Personal Area Network
information for driving such as weather and road conditions. One of the fundamental advantages of PANs is that they negate the need for wires, allowing the user to, for example, have a wireless headset, create ad hoc connections to Other application...
Network World: PAN (personal area network)
MAC and physical layers. From 802.15 aims to secure wireless PANs, Network World Tech Update, 03/11/02. Also see 802.15, DS-UWB. Additional resources Wireless/mobile research center Latest wireless news, analysis, reviews and links. Comments: PAN by Brian Saunder...
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Internet Privacy Coalition
some lawmakers for restrictions on the use and availability of strong encryption products. In Congressional floor statements on September 13 and 19, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) called for a global "new regime" in the area of encryption which w...
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PC911: Secure E-Mail
mail, or even whom it really came from. E-mail can be easily intercepted by almost anyone who so desires by using packet sniffers and other tools readily obtainable on the Internet. So how do you protect your e-mail and keep it private? Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) A free (for...
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 Career/Technical Education Standards (CA Dept. of Education)
understand how to define a network security plan: B7.1 Know the common potential threats to networks and ways to neutralize them. B7.2 Know the main functions of and installation protocols for firewalls, virus detec­ tion software, and other security m...
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understand how to define a network security plan: B7.1 Know the common potential threats to networks and ways to neutralize them. B7.2 Know the main functions of and installation protocols for firewalls, virus detec­ tion software, and other security measures. B7.3 Upgrade and patch operating systems as necessary. B7.4 Define and configure firewalls. B7.5 Detect and remove virus and worm threats. B7.6 Use a management plan to develop an acceptable-use policy. B8.0 Students understand fundamental
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understand how to define <span class="highlight">a</span> <span class="highlight">network</span> security plan: B7.1 Know the common potential threats to networks <span class="highlight">and</span> ways to neutralize them. B7.2 Know the main functions of <span class="highlight">and</span> installation protocols <span class="highlight">for</span> firewalls, virus detec&shy; tion software, <span class="highlight">and</span> other security measures. B7.3 Upgrade <span class="highlight">and</span> patch operating systems as necessary. B7.4 Define <span class="highlight">and</span> configure firewalls. B7.5 Detect <span class="highlight">and</span> remove virus <span class="highlight">and</span> worm threats. B7.6 Use <span class="highlight">a</span> management plan to develop an acceptable-use policy. B8.0 Students understand fundamental
Matisse's Glossary of Internet Terms
a succesor to and improvement over RSS and is more complex than RSS while offering support for additional features such digital signatures, geographic location of author, possibly security/encryption, licensing, etc. Like RSS, Atom is an XML-based specifi...
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StudentNet Online
education Future-proofed via IPv6, next-generation Internet Protocol Passwords & Cloud Integrated The promise of cloud services has been been eroded by the cost of maintaining passwords in both the network and the cloud. Studentnet removes that cost by integrating school...
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NPR Weekend Edition: July 1, 2006.
breakers? Mr. DEVLIN: Based on the reports I've read about this case, Pellicano is using a system called PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy. Incidentally, the name is a rip-off from Prairie Home Companion, with Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery. PGP was developed by a...
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