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Viewing 1-10 of 31 total results
The Internet
As with any new facility, there will be a period of very light usage until the community of users experiments with the network and begins to depend upon it. One of our goals must be to stimulate the immediate and easy use by a wide class of users. - Steve Crocker;...
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Network World: PAN (personal area network)
MAC and physical layers. From 802.15 aims to secure wireless PANs, Network World Tech Update, 03/11/02. Also see 802.15, DS-UWB. Additional resources Wireless/mobile research center Latest wireless news, analysis, reviews and links. Comments: PAN by Brian Saunder...
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Internet Privacy Coalition
some lawmakers for restrictions on the use and availability of strong encryption products. In Congressional floor statements on September 13 and 19, Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) called for a global "new regime" in the area of encryption which w...
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Dynamic Mapping Aids U.S. Military in War
firefighting, policing and crime analysis. For the military, such detail has been put to work closer to home. Many military bases have their own customized geographic information systems, which they use in combat-simulating exercises or as a way to monitor land use and e...
Federation of American Scientists: Arm Reduction T
provisions and adds two new provisions agreed during the summit: A sublimit of 1,100 on mobile ICBM warheads. A schedule for implementing the reductions in three phases over seven years. The presidents also agree that follow-on START negotiations will begin "...
New Internet Tech 153,000 Times Faster Than Modem
news release. "That is 153,000 times that of today's modem and close to 6,000 times that of the common standard for ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) connections." "The FAST protocol sustained this speed using standard packet size, stably over an extended...
Inventor Profiles: Robert Kahn
Advanced Research Project Agency, Kahn designed the first communication network, known as ARPANET, which was based on a new technique called “packet switching” that enabled heterogeneous distributed computers to exchange packets of data. In 2004, Kahn received the T...
The Smart Home Is Here
opens your mailbox? No problem. ZigBee, an emerging wireless home-networking standard expected to be widely available next year, is about to open up the lines of intergadget chatter. It doesn't involve wiring, and setup takes just a few minutes. ZigBee-enabled devices transmit and...
National Library of Medicine
Databases & APIs Please turn on Javascript For an enhanced version of the page A Multimedia Exhibition for Visitors of All Ages Native Voices explores the interconnectedness of wellness, illness, and cultural life of Native peoples. LiverTox Comprehensive informati...
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The Security Situation in Taiwan Strait
aircraft, appears to pose a credible deterrent against an air attack from the mainland. Taiwan has replaced its old SKY NET air defense network with a new network called STRONG NET to provide a comprehensive picture of the surrounding airspace. Ground-Based...
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