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Revised 2004 Science17 It was a strange sight: a man, standing before a fountain, watching the falling water and tilting his head from side to side. Drawing closer, I saw he was rapidly moving the fingers of his right hand up and down in front of...
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Revised 2004 Science17 It was a strange sight: a man, standing before a fountain, watching the falling water and tilting his head from side to side. Drawing closer, I saw he was rapidly moving the fingers of his right hand up and down in front of his face. I was in the seventh grade, visiting Princeton University with my science class, and the man at the fountain was Albert Einstein. For several minutes, he continued silently flicking his fingers. Then he turned and asked, "Can you do it? Can you see the
20 0
Revised 2004 Science17 It was <span class="highlight">a</span> strange sight: <span class="highlight">a</span> man, standing before <span class="highlight">a</span> fountain, watching the falling water <span class="highlight">and</span> tilting his head <span class="highlight">from</span> side to side. Drawing closer, I saw he was rapidly moving the fingers <span class="highlight">of</span> his right hand up <span class="highlight">and</span> down in front <span class="highlight">of</span> his <span class="highlight">face</span>. I was in the seventh grade, visiting Princeton University with my science class, <span class="highlight">and</span> the man at the fountain was Albert Einstein. <span class="highlight">For</span> several minutes, he continued silently flicking his fingers. Then he turned <span class="highlight">and</span> asked, &quot;Can you do it? Can you see the