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Viewing 71-80 of 212 total results
Beacon Learning Center: Go-o-o Tooth!
Beacon Lesson Plan Library Beacon Lesson Plan Library Go-o-o Tooth! Pamela Williams Santa Rosa District Schools Description Students identify healthy and unhealthy choices which will help them take proper care of their teeth for a lifetime. Standards Florida Sunshine State Sta...
Fire Wars: Teacher Demonstration
Demonstration Teacher Demonstration Materials | Procedure | Activity Answer | Standards Objective To explore the conditions needed for combustion to occur. Demonstration I metal pan candle firmly in holder matches heat resistant glass beaker (large enough to fit over the candle) tongs safety...
LessonPlanPage: Keep tooth decay away! (Lesson Pla
Tooth Brushing and Keeping Decay Away are discussed here | HotChalk's Lesson Plans Page This username and password combination was not found. Please try again. enter your lesson plans page login: user name password FORGOT PASSWORD EXIT FROM LOGIN or use your social network login...
Big Steel, Little Steel, and C. I. O.
Big Steel, Little Steel, and C. I. O. NDN | Photo Gallery | Documents | Classroom | Search Publishing Information Big Steel, Little Steel, and C. I. O. By Benjamin Stolberg The Nation July 31, 1937 Vol. 145, No. 5, p. 119-123 On March 1, 1937, Big Steel...
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Company Unions and the A. F. of L.
Document Library: Text Info Documents | Photos | Features | Classroom | Links | Listserv | About Us | Search Publishing Information On Saturday, June 16--the day after the tragic fizzling-out of the militant rank-and-file strike movement in the Amalgamated Association of...
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Understanding Evolution: Fossil Evidence
Steno shook the world of science, noting the similarity between shark teeth and the rocks commonly known as "tongue stones". This was our first understanding that fossils were a record of past life. Two centuries later, Mary Ann Mantell picked up a tooth, which her...
Cragg, Tony (Ordovician Pore)
Images of Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Walker Art Center Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Walker Art Center--page 2 (of six) All of the wonderful photographs on these six pages were taken by my brother, Douglas Miller, who generously photographed them for my website. He owns t...
 Smithsonian: Destiny in Space
circulates through the backpack. After putting on these two elements, the astronaut puts on the two main parts of the suit—the upper and lower torso. These two parts fasten by interlocking pressure-sealed steel rings. The inner layer of the main suit is a pressure bladder...
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circulates through the backpack. After putting on these two elements, the astronaut puts on the two main parts of the suit—the upper and lower torso. These two parts fasten by interlocking pressure-sealed steel rings. The inner layer of the main suit is a pressure bladder that acts like a car tire, sealing in air pressure while restraining expansion. Next is a restraining layer that gives the pressure bladder additional support and shape. These two layers are enclosed by multiple layers that provide thermal
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circulates through the backpack. After putting on these two elements, the astronaut puts on the two main parts <span class="highlight">of</span> the suit&mdash;the upper and lower torso. These two parts fasten by interlocking pressure-sealed <span class="highlight">steel</span> rings. The inner layer <span class="highlight">of</span> the main suit is a pressure bladder that acts like a car tire, sealing in air pressure while restraining expansion. Next is a restraining layer that gives the pressure bladder additional support and shape. These two layers are enclosed by multiple layers that provide thermal
PBS: Andrew Carnegie, American Experience
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Sculpture at the Columbus Museum of Art--page 5
Images of sculpture at the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio. Sculpture at the Columbus Museum of Art--page 5 John Geoffrey Naylor Streams, stainless steel, 1982 George Rickey Two Lines Up Eccentric Variation VI, stainless steel, 1977 Julian Schnabel Gol...
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