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Viewing 1-10 of 15 total results
Scholastic: Hi-Tech Kids vs. School Policy
cheats to cell phone punks and sneaky Web surfers. How schools handle new media in schools has become the “sex ed” hot button of our era. While administrators, parents, and politicians battle over what the kids ought to be able to do with their electronics, the kids are out there...
MSNBC News: Health
Closing schools during flu outbreaks may lessen ER visits Kids who get migraines may do worse in school Puberty starting earlier for boys, too Childhood ADHD may limit adult achievements Drug shortage led to spike in kids' infections Running away common with autistic kids New...
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» Featured Loading headlines... All High School Topics » All High School Forums » More ... Scores & schedulesFootball Find your schoolBoys Basketball Latest newsGirls Basketball ForumsBoys Soccer PhotosGirls Soccer RecruitingTrack & Field VideosVolleyba...
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ACLU: Sybil Liberty about Equality in Education
ACLU can tell you the details of how to go about challenging your track placement. CAN STUDENTS BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY IN PUBLIC SCHOOL BASED ON THEIR SEX? Almost never. Public schools may not have academic courses that are just for boys - like shop - or just for girls - like home economi...
Milton Friedman: Videos
Episode 1, Chapter 8) Chicago's School of Economics [3:49] (from Episode 1, Chapter 11) Chicago Boys and Pinochet [8:16] (from Episode 2, Chapter 7) Interview | Profile | Video | Print | PDF
The Film Site: All Quiet on the Western Front
enemies. The jingoistic school master lectures to his young charges, who sit and listen intently at their school desks: You are the life of the Fatherland, you boys. You are the iron men of Germany. You are the gay heroes who will repulse the enemy when you are called upon to do so....
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Banderas, Antonio
dreamed, like most young Spanish boys, of becoming a professional soccer player. His aspirations were crushed, however, when he broke his foot playing soccer. It was then that he began to think seriously about becoming an actor. Struggled as an Actor Banderas enrolled in drama classes at th...
 The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, an...
video games, and 59% reported playing at least once a week. When asked to rate how much violence they like to have in video games on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=no violence, 10=extreme violence), youth reported preferring a moderate amount of violence (M=5.4; s.d.=2.73). There were signifi...
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video games, and 59% reported playing at least once a week. When asked to rate how much violence they like to have in video games on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=no violence, 10=extreme violence), youth reported preferring a moderate amount of violence (M=5.4; s.d.=2.73). There were significant sex differences on this variable, with boys (M=6.7; s.d.=2.3) preferring higher levels of violence than girls (M=3.8; s.d.=2.3), (tð551Þ ¼ 14:2; po0:001). Two-thirds (68%) of boys chose the scale point six or higher, whereas
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<span class="highlight">video</span> games, and 59% reported playing at least once a week. When asked to rate how much violence they like to have in <span class="highlight">video</span> games on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=no violence, 10=extreme violence), youth reported preferring a moderate amount of violence (M=5.4; s.d.=2.73). There were significant sex differences on this variable, with <span class="highlight">boys</span> (M=6.7; s.d.=2.3) preferring higher levels of violence than girls (M=3.8; s.d.=2.3), (t&eth;551&THORN; &frac14; 14:2; po0:001). Two-thirds (68%) of <span class="highlight">boys</span> chose the scale point six or higher, whereas
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and spread (i .e ., range, percentiles, variance, standard deviation) . Compare data sets using graphs and summary statistics . Example: Design and conduct a survey about the number of electronic games owned by girls and boys in your school. Organize and display the results of your survey in...
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and spread (i .e ., range, percentiles, variance, standard deviation) . Compare data sets using graphs and summary statistics . Example: Design and conduct a survey about the number of electronic games owned by girls and boys in your school. Organize and display the results of your survey in an appropriate graph. Describe the technique you used to get a random sample. Find the mean, median and mode of your survey data. Which of these gives a useful summary of the data? A1 .7 .2 Distinguish between random
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and spread (i .e ., range, percentiles, variance, standard deviation) . Compare data sets using graphs and summary statistics . Example: Design and conduct a survey about the number of electronic games owned by girls and <span class="highlight">boys</span> in your school. Organize and display the results of your survey in an appropriate graph. Describe the technique you used to get a random sample. Find the mean, median and mode of your survey data. Which of these gives a useful summary of the data? A1 .7 .2 Distinguish between random
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departures from patterns . Summarize the data using measures of center (i .e ., mean, median) and spread (i .e ., range, percentiles, variance, standard deviation) . Compare data sets using graphs and summary statistics . Example: Design and conduct a survey about the number of electronic games owned by girls and <span class="highlight">boys</span> in your school. Organize and display the results of your survey in an appropriate graph. Describe the technique you used to get a random sample. Find the mean, median and mode of your survey data
Microsoft Word - ssstd1.docssstd1.pdf
Suggestions The student: 1.#0;�(K) - ($) understands individuals and families cannot have everything they want, so they have to make choices (e.g., having to decide whether to buy a new video game or a pair of shoes). • Discuss choices made by families: buying a new television vs....
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Suggestions The student: 1.#0;�(K) - ($) understands individuals and families cannot have everything they want, so they have to make choices (e.g., having to decide whether to buy a new video game or a pair of shoes). • Discuss choices made by families: buying a new television vs. taking a vacation, or going to the movies vs. renting a movie. (1) See also: HB2I15, GB5I1 • Make a choice about a school lunch: A) hot lunch or B) sack lunch. Place emphasis on the fact a choice must be made; having both is not
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Suggestions The student: 1.#0;&#65533;(K) - ($) understands individuals and families cannot have everything they want, so they have to make choices (e.g., having to decide whether to buy a new <span class="highlight">video</span> game or a pair of shoes). &bull; Discuss choices made by families: buying a new television vs. taking a vacation, or going to the movies vs. renting a movie. (1) See also: HB2I15, GB5I1 &bull; Make a choice about a school lunch: A) <span class="highlight">hot</span> lunch or B) sack lunch. Place emphasis on the fact a choice must be made; having both is not
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