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 Keeping the Faith: The Role of Religion and Faith Communities in Preventing Teen Pregnancy...
181. Benson, P.L., Williams, D.L., & Johnson. A.L. (1987). The quicksilver years: The hopes and fears of young adolescents. San Francisco: Harper and Row. Berrien, J., & Winship, C. (in press). Should we have faith in churches? The Ten Point Coalition’s effect on B...
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181. Benson, P.L., Williams, D.L., & Johnson. A.L. (1987). The quicksilver years: The hopes and fears of young adolescents. San Francisco: Harper and Row. Berrien, J., & Winship, C. (in press). Should we have faith in churches? The Ten Point Coalition’s effect on Boston’s youth violence. In G. Katzmann (Ed.), Managing youth violence. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. *Billy, J.O.G., Brewster, K.L., & Grady, W.R. (1994). Contextual effects on sexual behavior of adolescent women. Journal of Marriage
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181. Benson, P.L., Williams, D.L., &amp; Johnson. A.L. (1987). The quicksilver years: The hopes and fears of young adolescents. San Francisco: Harper and Row. Berrien, J., &amp; Winship, <span class="highlight">C</span>. (<span class="highlight">in</span> press). Should we have faith <span class="highlight">in</span> churches? The Ten Point Coalition&rsquo;s effect on Boston&rsquo;s youth violence. <span class="highlight">In</span> G. Katzmann (Ed.), Managing youth violence. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. *Billy, J.O.G., Brewster, K.L., &amp; Grady, W.R. (1994). <span class="highlight">Contextual</span> effects on sexual behavior of adolescent women. Journal of Marriage