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Viewing 1-10 of 25 total results
Projects in Scientific Computing/Understanding the
WATCHING THE BRAIN IN ACTION: Functional Topographic Mapping of the Cortex with Conventional MRI Scanners New Technology with Clinical Applications Scientists at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have...
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Lasers in Cancer Treatment
before they can do laser therapy, and strict safety precautions must be followed. Laser therapy is expensive and requires bulky equipment. In addition, the effects of laser therapy may not last long, so doctors may have to repeat the treatment for a patient to get...
My Hero Project: Dr. Susan Love
the equivalent of a pap smear, but for breast cancer. A tiny catheter removes cells from the milk ducts and then examines them for pre-cursors to cancer, assessing the risk of breast cancer development. As a diagnostic tool, ductal lava...
Obesity and Cancer: Questions and Answers
due to obesity. The percentage of cases attributed to obesity varied widely for different cancer types but was as high as 40 percent for some cancers, particularly endometrial cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma. A projection of the future health and...
Inventor Profiles: Peter Mansfield
images of the brain and other internal organs, replacing invasive methods of examination and reducing the risk and discomfort for many patients. More than 60 million cases are evaluated with MRI each year. Invention Impact Working at the University of Nottingh...
The Pap Test: Questions and Answers
and Cervical Pathology, and American Society for Clinical Pathology screening guidelines for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2012. [PubMed Abstract] Schiffman M, Castle PE...
Exploring Cancer Incidence Rates: Creating the Multi-hit Model of Cancer in STELLA.
characterized as an inquiry driven approach and is captured in BioQUEST's three P's (problem-posing, problem-solving, and peer-persuasion). As part of this workshop groups of faculty were encouraged to initiate innovative curricular projects. We are sharing these works ...
 The Adolescent Brain: a Work in Progress
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is a medi- cal imaging technique that safely provides exquisitely accurate pictures of the living, growing brain and has helped launch a new era of adoles- cent neuroscience. MRI studies show clearly that during adolescence, the brain is in a dynamic bio- lo...
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is a medi- cal imaging technique that safely provides exquisitely accurate pictures of the living, growing brain and has helped launch a new era of adoles- cent neuroscience. MRI studies show clearly that during adolescence, the brain is in a dynamic bio- logic state and that it exits this period in a different state from which it enters. Although it is not clear exactly what cellular processes account for the ebb and flow of the cortex’s volume seen on MRI scans during adolescence, it is clear that changes
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is <span class="highlight">a</span> medi- cal imaging technique that safely provides exquisitely accurate pictures of the living, growing brain <span class="highlight">and</span> has helped launch <span class="highlight">a</span> new era of adoles- cent neuroscience. <span class="highlight">MRI</span> studies show clearly that during adolescence, the brain is <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">a</span> dynamic bio- logic state <span class="highlight">and</span> that it exits this period <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">a</span> different state from which it enters. Although it is not clear exactly what cellular processes account <span class="highlight">for</span> the ebb <span class="highlight">and</span> flow of the cortex&rsquo;s volume seen on <span class="highlight">MRI</span> scans during adolescence, it is clear that changes
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The Adolescent Brain: <span class="highlight">A</span> Work <span class="highlight">in</span> Progress 11 connections between cells <span class="highlight">for</span> years after birth. But <span class="highlight">for</span> some time, the evidence of such changes had depended solely on studies of dead brains <span class="highlight">and</span> on animal studies. Recent <span class="highlight">MRI</span> studies, which track brain development by scanning the same individu- als at two-year intervals through childhood <span class="highlight">and</span> adolescence, show clear evidence of expansion <span class="highlight">and</span> regression of the cerebral cortex <span class="highlight">in</span> living people (Giedd et al., 1999)&mdash;<span class="highlight">a</span> major step forward. On <span class="highlight">MRI</span> scans, these changes
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capacity <span class="highlight">for</span> song; <span class="highlight">and</span> through the process of &ldquo;imprinting,&rdquo; goslings will follow the first object they see moving after birth, even if it is <span class="highlight">a</span> man instead of their mother. As noted above, such sensi- tive periods are important <span class="highlight">in</span> humans <span class="highlight">for</span> recovery from brain injury. The concept of sensitive periods is more con- troversial <span class="highlight">and</span> less well characterized <span class="highlight">for</span> more advanced functions such as moral behavior, sound judgment <span class="highlight">and</span> controlling impulsivity&mdash;functions usually attributed to the PFC. If the link between
Using Microarray Technology to Explore Problems in Systems Biology.
This project was prepared as part of a BioQUEST faculty development workshop entitled BioQUEST 2004 Summer Workshop for Undergraduate Faculty: Systems Biology at Beloit College in June 2004.The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium is committed to the reform of undergraduate biolo...
Screensaver Lifesaver
blockade might provide a mechanism to counteract cancer, but there were side projects aimed at drug leads against anthrax and against smallpox. What has been achieved? Firstly on the methodological side, we have shown the viability of the virtual screening approach us...
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