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Viewing 1-10 of 24 total results
Staging: Questions and Answers
person’s cancer based on the extent of the original (primary) tumor and whether or not cancer has spread in the body. Staging is important for several reasons: Staging helps the doctor plan the appropriate treatment. The stage can be used to estimate the pers...
Metastatic Cancer: Questions and Answers
someone have a metastatic tumor without having a primary cancer? No. A metastatic tumor is always caused by cancer cells from another part of the body. In most cases, when a metastatic tumor is found first, the primary cancer can also be found...
My Hero Project: Dr. Susan Love
the equivalent of a pap smear, but for breast cancer. A tiny catheter removes cells from the milk ducts and then examines them for pre-cursors to cancer, assessing the risk of breast cancer development. As a diagnostic tool, ductal lava...
Dean Ornish on the world's killer diet
can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only nine percent in the control group. And in...
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Tumor Grade: Questions and Answers
tumor is benign or malignant. The pathologist also determines the tumor grade. Each type of cancer is graded using a different grading system. Doctors consider tumor grade and other factors when developing an individual treatment plan for a patient. What is...
Cellular Telephone Use and Cancer
and it has not been found to cause cancer in animals or to enhance the cancer-causing effects of known chemical carcinogens in animals (3–5). Researchers have carried out several types of epidemiologic studies to investigate the possibility of a relati...
Research in the News: Serendipity In the Discovery of the Ataxia Telangiectasia Gene (Grad...
case of breast cancer, for example, the best guess now is that, among women with breast cancer, some 8% probably have the AT gene. At first blush, this would suggest that carriers of the gene be monitored closely for tiny tumors. But there's a problem. The diagnost...
 An Overview of Medical and Public Health Literature Addressing Literacy Issues: An Annotat...
NCSALL Reports #14 January 2000 38 Glazer, H.R., Kirk, L.M., & Bosler, F.E. (1996). Patient education pamphlets about prevention, detection, and treatment of breast cancer for low literacy women. Patient Education & Counseling, 27(2), 185-189. Analyzes 19 br...
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NCSALL Reports #14 January 2000 38 Glazer, H.R., Kirk, L.M., & Bosler, F.E. (1996). Patient education pamphlets about prevention, detection, and treatment of breast cancer for low literacy women. Patient Education & Counseling, 27(2), 185-189. Analyzes 19 breast cancer education pamphlets using Right Writer. Materials were found to have an average readability of ninth grade. The authors suggest that literature should be
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NCSALL Reports #14 January 2000 38 Glazer, H.R., Kirk, L.M., &amp; Bosler, F.E. (1996). Patient education pamphlets about prevention, <span class="highlight">detection</span>, <span class="highlight">and</span> treatment of breast <span class="highlight">cancer</span> <span class="highlight">for</span> low literacy women. Patient Education &amp; Counseling, 27(2), 185-189. Analyzes 19 breast <span class="highlight">cancer</span> education pamphlets <span class="highlight">using</span> Right Writer. Materials were found to have an average readability of ninth grade. The authors suggest that literature should be
Teacher's Guide: Cancer Treatments
Describes an abnormal growth which can often spread to other areas and may eventually cause death, e.g. a cancer. Tumor: A lump in the body, without inflammation, it is caused by an abnormal growth of cells. It may be due to the presence of an infectious organism...
Understanding Cancer Genomics (PowerPoint)
Continuing Declines in Cancer Death Rates Education and Training for Health Professionals Cancer Trends Progress Report: 2011/2012 Update Cancer Genomics Slide Number and Title What Is the Human Genome? Cancer Genomics A Sample Human G...
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