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Viewing 21-30 of 217 total results
Clear Air
Space Based Astronomy Teacher's Guide, Page 11 Clear Air Description: Sheets of clear glass are held between a projector and a screen to show that not all light is transmitted by apparently clear materials. Objective: To demonstrate that gas molecules in the atmosphere absorb...
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Suhrawardi
occurrence of such intuitive and mystical aptitudes to access true reality. The ‘Plotinian’ (cf. Enneads V 3.6) Aristotle figure of Suhrawardi's famous dream-vision found in his Intimations (cf. Walbridge 2000: 225–9) provides us with an illustrious example of what co...
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Writing about Film
rewrites, the drama of getting the project financed, the casting challenges, and so on. However, when your film professors ask you to write about film, it's precisely those "invisible" aspects that they want you to see. Pay attention to the way the camera moves. Note the compositi...
Shadow Tricks
clearly, are called translucent. Performing shadow tricks is a fun way to explore how light behaves when it encounters various materials and objects. In this video segment, the children use the Sun as their light source and a sheet as the surface on which...
The Earth's Shadow
The Earth's Shadow Site Map (9a-1) The Earth's Shadow In a lunar eclipse, if the width of the shadow of the Earth is twice the width of the Moon, then the width of the Earth itself is (very nearly) three times that of the Moon--not twice, as one might perhaps think....
Apollo Chronicles: Dark Shadows
Sign up for EXPRESS SCIENCE NEWS delivery On the next sunny day, step outdoors and look inside your shadow. It's not very dark, is it? Grass, sidewalk, toes--whatever's in there, you can see quite well. Your shadow's inner light comes from the sky. Molecules in Ea...
Using Simple Poems to Teach Grammar
a blended approach and the use of simple poems to teach and reinforce grammar points as well as language structure Introduction Not many Malaysian English teachers relish the thought of teaching grammar due to the complexity and irregularities in the syntax of the English language. Teachers...
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 Puzzling Polarizers
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polarized light and polarizing filters; one example is the liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) on digital watches and calculators. When we apply the scientific method to real-world problems, often we can invent applications for the effects we observe even without understanding the or...
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polarized light and polarizing filters; one example is the liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) on digital watches and calculators. When we apply the scientific method to real-world problems, often we can invent applications for the effects we observe even without understanding the origins of those effects. This process is commonly used in the development of new technologies; one example is the discovery of x rays. This curriculum unit is designed to encourage this investigative process through inquiry-based learning
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polarized <span class="highlight">light</span> and polarizing filters; one example is the liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) <span class="highlight">on</span> digital watches and calculators. When we apply the scientific method to <span class="highlight">real</span>-world problems, often we can invent applications for the effects we observe even without understanding the origins of those effects. This process is commonly used <span class="highlight">in</span> the development of new technologies; one example is the discovery of x rays. This curriculum unit is designed to encourage this investigative process through inquiry-<span class="highlight">based</span> learning
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Macaulay, is a helpful resource for this activity. The <span class="highlight">light</span> generated by some sources, including the Advanced <span class="highlight">Light</span> <span class="highlight">Source</span> (ALS), is polarized. <span class="highlight">Based</span> <span class="highlight">on</span> what you know about wiggling electrons and how they generate <span class="highlight">light</span>, why do you think <span class="highlight">light</span> from the ALS comes out polarized? Why would this be useful to the scientists doing experiments there? Find out about some scientific experiments best performed using polarized <span class="highlight">light</span>.
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Advanced <span class="highlight">Light</span> <span class="highlight">Source</span> &bull; Adventures <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">Light</span> &amp; Science Teacher Workshop &bull; March 1996
More on the Augmented Matrix
was based on these forms of the augmented matrix. Let’s work with the two equation case. Since, is an augmented matrix we can always convert back to equations. Each row represents and equation and the first column is the coefficient of x in the equation w...
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Lock
suited the author’s purpose also from being a familiar word in ordinary discourse as well as in the language of philosophers. Herein, however, lays danger from which he did not escape. In common usage “idea” carries with it a suggestion of contrast with real...
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