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 Comparison of Web Authoring Tools
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reuse these graphics across your site to create consistent navigation that is stylish as well. 4 For screen sample: · NetObjects Fusion also lets you add externally created HTML pages to a site, so you can manage them with NetObjects Fusion’s tools while editing t...
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reuse these graphics across your site to create consistent navigation that is stylish as well. 4 For screen sample: · NetObjects Fusion also lets you add externally created HTML pages to a site, so you can manage them with NetObjects Fusion’s tools while editing them with an external text editor. The interface has the quality of the top publishing tool. You simply select the objects you want to “draw” from the palette including images, navigation bars, applets, Shockwave files, and sound clips and place
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reuse these graphics across your site to create consistent navigation that is stylish as well. 4 <span class="highlight">For</span> screen sample: &middot; NetObjects <span class="highlight">Fusion</span> also lets you add externally created HTML pages to <span class="highlight">a</span> site, so you can manage them with NetObjects Fusion&rsquo;s tools while editing them with an external text editor. The interface has the quality <span class="highlight">of</span> the top publishing tool. You simply select the objects you want to &ldquo;draw&rdquo; <span class="highlight">from</span> the palette including <span class="highlight">images</span>, navigation bars, applets, Shockwave files, <span class="highlight">and</span> sound clips <span class="highlight">and</span> place
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intensive Web sites. &middot; <span class="highlight">For</span> creating graphics-rich Web sites without HTML coding, NetObjects <span class="highlight">Fusion</span> still surpasses all rivals. &middot; The most outdated feature <span class="highlight">of</span> the interface is its inability to display multiple views <span class="highlight">of</span> <span class="highlight">a</span> site in separate window. You cannot open more than one site at the same time, <span class="highlight">and</span> the program makes you jump around its various views <span class="highlight">from</span> site structure, page editor, style sheet selector, file listing, <span class="highlight">and</span> publish setting. But it surpasses any other product by offering customizable navigation