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Shadow Tricks
clearly, are called translucent. Performing shadow tricks is a fun way to explore how light behaves when it encounters various materials and objects. In this video segment, the children use the Sun as their light source and a sheet as the surface on which...
The Earth's Shadow
The Earth's Shadow Site Map (9a-1) The Earth's Shadow In a lunar eclipse, if the width of the shadow of the Earth is twice the width of the Moon, then the width of the Earth itself is (very nearly) three times that of the Moon--not twice, as one might perhaps think....
Teacher's Guide: Solar Eclipse
eclipse of the Sun is seen when the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth. umbra">Umbra: The area in a shadow from which light is completely cut off. penumbra">Penumbra: A lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow; some light...
for further ideas or more information: Io's shadow on Jupiter Lunar Lollipops - another classroom activity Motion of the Earth about the Sun An old headline piece about a lunar eclipse Solar eclipses...the Moon's shadow The Sun A tour on light Venus capab...
Fear of Physics: Why Eclipses of the Sun Happen
[Home > Setup > Sun Earth Moon > Solar Eclipses] Why Eclipses of the Sun Happen Once in a while, you will be in the position to see a solar eclipse. In the last animation, you may have noticed times when the moon moved between the Earth and the Sun. When this happen...
Solar Eclipses
As the Moon moves in its orbit, the position of the shadow changes, so total solar eclipses usually only last a minute or two in a given location. In ancient times, people were frightened by solar eclipses (even back then people realized that the Sun was essential to l...
 Core Content For Mathematics Assessment
necessary to sustain life on Earth. DOK 3 SC-05-4.6.2 Students will understand that the Sun is a major source of energy for changes on Earth’s surface. The Sun loses energy by emitting light. A tiny fraction of that light reaches Earth, transferring energy fr...
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necessary to sustain life on Earth. DOK 3 SC-05-4.6.2 Students will understand that the Sun is a major source of energy for changes on Earth’s surface. The Sun loses energy by emitting light. A tiny fraction of that light reaches Earth, transferring energy from the Sun to Earth. SC-EP-4.6.3 Students will analyze models of basic electrical circuits using batteries, bulbs and wires, in order to determine whether a simple circuit is open or closed. Electricity in circuits can produce light
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necessary to sustain life <span class="highlight">on</span> Earth. DOK 3 SC-05-4.6.2 Students will understand that the Sun is a major <span class="highlight">source</span> of energy for changes <span class="highlight">on</span> Earth&rsquo;s surface. The Sun loses energy by emitting <span class="highlight">light</span>. A tiny fraction of that <span class="highlight">light</span> reaches Earth, transferring energy from the Sun to Earth. SC-EP-4.6.3 Students will analyze models of basic electrical circuits using batteries, bulbs and wires, <span class="highlight">in</span> order to determine whether a simple circuit is open or closed. Electricity <span class="highlight">in</span> circuits can produce <span class="highlight">light</span>
consists of random motion and the vibrations of atoms and molecules. The higher the temperature, the greater the atomic or molecular motion. Thermal insulators are materials that resist the flow of heat. Explain how various types of insulation slow transfer of heat energy based on the...
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consists of random motion and the vibrations of atoms and molecules. The higher the temperature, the greater the atomic or molecular motion. Thermal insulators are materials that resist the flow of heat. Explain how various types of insulation slow transfer of heat energy based on the atomic- molecular model of heat (thermal energy). 6-8 PS3D Visible light from the Sun is made up of a mixture of all colors of light. To see an object, light emitted or reflected by that object must enter the eye
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consists of random motion and the vibrations of atoms and molecules. The higher the temperature, the greater the atomic or molecular motion. Thermal insulators are materials that resist the flow of heat. Explain how various types of insulation slow transfer of heat energy <span class="highlight">based</span> <span class="highlight">on</span> the atomic- molecular model of heat (thermal energy). 6-8 PS3D Visible <span class="highlight">light</span> from the Sun is made up of a mixture of all colors of <span class="highlight">light</span>. To see an object, <span class="highlight">light</span> emitted or reflected by that object must enter the eye
 Strand 1: Properties and Principles of Matter and Energy
Not assessed at this level C. Electromagnetic energy from the Sun (solar radiation) is a major source of energy on Earth Scope and Sequence – Forms of Energy - Light a. Recognize and describe how energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth in a range of wavelengths...
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Not assessed at this level C. Electromagnetic energy from the Sun (solar radiation) is a major source of energy on Earth Scope and Sequence – Forms of Energy - Light a. Recognize and describe how energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth in a range of wavelengths and energy levels, including visible light, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet radiation Scope and Sequence- Characteristics of Living Organisms b. Recognize and apply the fact that energy from the Sun is the source of almost all
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Not assessed at this level C. Electromagnetic energy from the Sun (solar radiation) is a major <span class="highlight">source</span> of energy <span class="highlight">on</span> Earth Scope and Sequence &ndash; Forms of Energy - <span class="highlight">Light</span> a. Recognize and describe how energy from the Sun is transferred to Earth <span class="highlight">in</span> a range of wavelengths and energy levels, including visible <span class="highlight">light</span>, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet radiation Scope and Sequence- Characteristics of Living Organisms b. Recognize and apply the fact that energy from the Sun is the <span class="highlight">source</span> of almost all