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Studying the Mysteries of the Titanium Star
neutron star that they long have suspected lurked at the heart of Cas A, but which had eluded detection in radio, optical, and even X-ray wavelengths. Click for RealVideo of NASA's "First Light" Press Conference"Last Thursday night we pointed Chandra in...
Smithsonian: Magazine: Return of the Jaguar?
lion track," McCain says, shaking his head after measuring and then tracing it onto a piece of plexiglass. The print is huge, four-toed and without claws, like that of a large mountain lion. But the heel pad is too big for a mountain lion, the toes too close to t...
 Smithsonian: In Search of the Giant Squid Curriculum Guide
“expert” per team. Scientists always use the metric system for measurements, temperatures, and distances, so you will be expected to include metric measures. 1. Giant squid are often found with in nets with certain fish species (e.g., hoki, orange roughy) and...
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“expert” per team. Scientists always use the metric system for measurements, temperatures, and distances, so you will be expected to include metric measures. 1. Giant squid are often found with in nets with certain fish species (e.g., hoki, orange roughy) and in the stomachs of sperm whales. How might such clues help us find the giant squid? 2. How has “squid detection” technology changed over time? 3. Could water temperature determine whether or not a squid might be found in a specific location? Why? 4. How
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&ldquo;expert&rdquo; per team. Scientists always use <span class="highlight">the</span> metric <span class="highlight">system</span> <span class="highlight">for</span> measurements, temperatures, and distances, so you will be expected to include metric measures. 1. Giant squid are often found with <span class="highlight">in</span> nets with certain fish species (e.g., hoki, orange roughy) and <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">the</span> stomachs of sperm whales. How might such clues help us find <span class="highlight">the</span> giant squid? 2. How has &ldquo;squid <span class="highlight">detection</span>&rdquo; technology changed over time? 3. Could water temperature determine whether or not a squid might be found <span class="highlight">in</span> a specific location? Why? 4. How