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Viewing 1-10 of 27 total results
Utah Online Services: RSS Workshop
build it and have great content, they will come" Tutorial URL: Workshop Description In this workshop you'll learn how to create, validate, parse, publish, and syndicate your own RSS news channel. The emphasis will be the practical app...
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NYTimes People: Combs, Sean
to carry more minority-owned cable channels, Comcast on Tuesday indicated its support for four such channels, including one from the music mogul Sean Combs and another from the former basketball star, Magic Johnson. The first of the four is called BabyFirst Americ...
 Career/Technical Education Framework (CA Dept. of Education)
based on the following rubric: Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable MSS C4.1: Explain direct and indirect distribu- tion channels by identifying vari- ous distribution intermediaries and discussing their functions in inter- national trade. (10 points) Presenta...
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based on the following rubric: Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable MSS C4.1: Explain direct and indirect distribu- tion channels by identifying vari- ous distribution intermediaries and discussing their functions in inter- national trade. (10 points) Presentation pro- vides an accurate and detailed over- view of direct and indirect distribu- tion channels. Student correctly identifies at least four types of distribution inter- mediaries and thor- oughly discusses their functions in
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based <span class="highlight">on</span> the following rubric: Standards Advanced Proficient Basic Unacceptable MSS C4.1: Explain direct <span class="highlight">and</span> indirect distribu- tion <span class="highlight">channels</span> by identifying vari- ous distribution intermediaries <span class="highlight">and</span> discussing their functions in inter- national trade. (10 points) Presentation pro- vides an accurate <span class="highlight">and</span> detailed <span class="highlight">over</span>- view <span class="highlight">of</span> direct <span class="highlight">and</span> indirect distribu- tion <span class="highlight">channels</span>. Student correctly identifies at least four types <span class="highlight">of</span> distribution inter- mediaries <span class="highlight">and</span> thor- oughly discusses their functions in
 With One Voice 2004
44 THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT TEEN PREGNANCY M ed ia At the very least, parents should not be surprised about the quantity of sexual content on in the media. The RAND study estimates that two-thirds of TV programs contain sexual content. Case in point: The general c...
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44 THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT TEEN PREGNANCY M ed ia At the very least, parents should not be surprised about the quantity of sexual content on in the media. The RAND study estimates that two-thirds of TV programs contain sexual content. Case in point: The general cluelessness of adults about just how sexualized today’s teen culture is came into sharp relief over the antics of Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. Adults generally reacted with shock and disapproval
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44 THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT TEEN PREGNANCY <span class="highlight">M</span> ed ia At the very least, parents should not be surprised about the quantity <span class="highlight">of</span> sexual content <span class="highlight">on</span> in the media. The RAND study estimates that two-thirds <span class="highlight">of</span> TV programs contain sexual content. Case in point: The general cluelessness <span class="highlight">of</span> adults about just how sexualized today&rsquo;s teen culture is came into sharp relief <span class="highlight">over</span> the antics <span class="highlight">of</span> Janet Jackson <span class="highlight">and</span> Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. Adults generally reacted with shock <span class="highlight">and</span> disapproval
WHYY Online- WHYY Goes Digital
(SDTV) signals, in addition to independent audio and data channels. WHYY is already developing several new strands of programming, which will become the basis of the station's multiple-channel digital services, as well as providing content for the existing WHYY-T...
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Fire and Ice (DAAC Study)
this way, large spatial and temporal-scale melt information is extracted from measurements at a single location. Their method of determining melt thresholds incorporates passive microwave satellite data obtained from two different channels. One channel has a longer wave...
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Chemical and Engineering News: June 11, 2001
How to Advertise News Of The Week ION CHANNELS PRICE-FIXING PROBED Cover Story NANOMATERIALS Business FOOD ADDITIVES Science & Technology ENZYME CHEMISTRY Education EDUCATION Table of Contents June 11, 2001 Volume 79, Number 24 CENEAR 79 24 p. 1 NEWS OF...
Photoshop Tutorials
industry standard image editing program. Photoshop is a truly vast program. Photoshop is capable of so much and yet it does it all so well. Whether you prepare images for print media or the Internet, Photoshop should be included in your tool chest of graphics applications. Here...
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Beacon Learning Center: Shopping Spree
Beacon Lesson Plan Library Beacon Lesson Plan Library Shopping Spree Christy Clanton Bay District Schools Description In Shopping Spree, students use estimation skills as they race a thirty- minute time limit to spend no more than $1,000 in a toy catalog. Standards Florida Sunshine S...
 For full Report: South Africa
35Supply-Side Perspectives on Employment Expansion rise in worker morale associated with a higher wage standard. In light of the current discussion, it is also important to recognize that this same efficiency wage effect will operate in reverse. That is, a strategy of wage cut...
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35Supply-Side Perspectives on Employment Expansion rise in worker morale associated with a higher wage standard. In light of the current discussion, it is also important to recognize that this same efficiency wage effect will operate in reverse. That is, a strategy of wage cutting will en- gender reduced efficiency—more turnover, more absenteeism, lower morale on the job. Thus, through this negative efficiency wage channel as well, a wage- cutting strategy would seem to be a viable strategy for reducing
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35Supply-Side Perspectives <span class="highlight">on</span> Employment Expansion rise in worker morale associated with a higher wage standard. In light <span class="highlight">of</span> the current discussion, it is also important to recognize that this same efficiency wage effect will operate in reverse. That is, a strategy <span class="highlight">of</span> wage cutting will en- gender reduced efficiency&mdash;more turnover, more absenteeism, lower morale <span class="highlight">on</span> the job. Thus, through this negative efficiency wage <span class="highlight">channel</span> as well, a wage- cutting strategy would seem to be a viable strategy for reducing
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