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NYTimes People: Odierno, Raymond T.
it is reshaping the way many soldiers are trained and deployed, with some conventional units to be placed officially under Special Operations commanders and others assigned to regions of the world viewed as emerging security risks, particularly in Africa. The pending changes reflect a...
NYTimes People: Sadr, Moktada Al-
from within his Shiite coalition. The move by the Sadr bloc was not enough to immediately bring down the Maliki government. But even the prospect of a new vote added more uncertainty to Iraq’s fragile political landscape, possibly setting the country’s main factions — Shiite...
Chemical and Engineering News: July 5, 1999
JOC EDITOR NAMED: 6 University of Utah's Peter Stang will be editor-in-chief of Journal of Organic Chemistry. FOOD BAN IN EUROPE: 7 EU ministers support moratorium on selling genetically modified foods. R&D SHORTFALLS: 7 National Academies forum airs conc...
NYTimes Topic: Computer Viruses
(Cybersecurity) Updated Oct. 24, 2012 Just as the invention of the atomic bomb changed warfare and led to a race to develop new weapons and new deterrents, a new international race has begun to develop over cyberweapons and systems to protect against them. American intelligence officials h...
NYTimes Topic: Computer Security
(Cybersecurity) Updated Oct. 24, 2012 Just as the invention of the atomic bomb changed warfare and led to a race to develop new weapons and new deterrents, a new international race has begun to develop over cyberweapons and systems to protect against them. American intelligence officials h...