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 English Bread Assizes from Reigns of Henry II to Edward II
Strangely, though, only certain people appear to have been fined for the infraction, and Alice Salvage's widow was fined twice as much as anyone else. Are these people, perhaps, repeat offenders? Or had they made more money from their cheating? Another observation worth noting is proof of...
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Strangely, though, only certain people appear to have been fined for the infraction, and Alice Salvage's widow was fined twice as much as anyone else. Are these people, perhaps, repeat offenders? Or had they made more money from their cheating? Another observation worth noting is proof of an old stereotype about the greedy, cheating miller -- sure enough, here we find the miller's wife among the guilty; worse yet, she stands among the fined. 2 Maitland, F.W., ed
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Strangely, though, only certain people appear to have been fined for the infraction, and Alice Salvage's widow was fined twice as much as anyone else. Are these people, perhaps, repeat offenders? Or had they made more money from their <span class="highlight">cheating</span>? Another observation worth noting is proof of an old stereotype about the greedy, <span class="highlight">cheating</span> miller -- sure enough, here we find the miller's <span class="highlight">wife</span> among the guilty; worse yet, she stands among the fined. 2 Maitland, F.W., ed
Piers Plowman
lived in London, which is a principal subject of the early parts of his poem. There is, as a matter of fact, little proof for Langland's existence, and all that is known of him is inferred from supposedly autobiographical statements in the poem (such as the reference to his wife and child at...
The WholeFamily Center
Problem Is That My Wife, Who Is 34, Never Ever Initiates Sex At All. She Is Never In The Mood ... My Husband Is Obsessed with The Chat Rooms and He Has Found a Woman on There...The Problem Is That My Wife Says That She Loves Me Only Like a Best Friend ... My Husband Has a...
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Hacking My Kid's Brain: How a Child's Neurons Were Rewired
dyslexic my year of therapy was about depression, not my learning issues. Yes, they’re connected but the dyslexia was right there after the depression left. Still is. My wife loves me so I guess I’m okay. Trackback URI | Comments RSS Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail...
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Scholastic: Scholastic Author: Minor, Wendell
Wendell has traveled from the tropical Everglades to the Arctic Circle to the Midwest to the Grand Canyon. Minor loves bringing the scenes of nature to children and is particularly close to the children's books he has illustrated. He has said that “a picture invites the viewer into it a...
Buddhist Tales
[Seduction] Country Man and City Wife [Adultery] The Wisdom of Queen Tender-hearted [Lust] Wife and Mother Who Was a Sister First [An Intelligent Woman] The Strong-minded Snake [Determination] The Shovel Wise Man [Renunciation] The Green Wood Gatherer [Laziness] The Elephant King Good...
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Cal State Fullerton: Common Fallacies in Reasoning
HERRING: attempting to hide a weakness in an argument by drawing attention away from the real issue. A red herring fallacy is thus a diversionary tactic or an attempt to confuse or fog the issue being debated. The name of the fallacy comes from the days of fox hunting, when a herring was dragged acr...
 Penguin Teacher Guide: Anthem & The Fountainhead
scandal sheet, the Banner, the most influential newspaper in New York. Wynand, the man of potential independence, becomes Wynand the demagogue, pandering to the mob in return for their support. All of Wynand’s actual values and judgments are excluded from the content of his newspaper, finding...
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scandal sheet, the Banner, the most influential newspaper in New York. Wynand, the man of potential independence, becomes Wynand the demagogue, pandering to the mob in return for their support. All of Wynand’s actual values and judgments are excluded from the content of his newspaper, finding expression only in his private art collection and in the selection of his wife, Dominique, and closest friend, Roark. Wynand’s nature is such that he must admire and love Roark; but the Banner’s nature is such that it must
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scandal sheet, the Banner, the most influential newspaper in New York. Wynand, the man of potential independence, becomes Wynand the demagogue, pandering to the mob in return for their support. All of Wynand&rsquo;s actual values and judgments are excluded from the content of his newspaper, finding expression only in his private art collection and in the selection of his <span class="highlight">wife</span>, Dominique, and closest friend, Roark. Wynand&rsquo;s nature is such that he must admire and love Roark; but the Banner&rsquo;s nature is such that it must
NYTimes People: Bruni, Carla
she is pregnant. MEMO FROM PARIS; A President Loves Movies, But Perhaps Not This One PARIS -- As if the life of Nicolas Sarkozy has not produced enough melodrama -- especially with rumors now that his third wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, may be pregnant -- French moviemakers have produce...
WHYY Online- Philadelphia Performs- Opera
INTERMISSION Act II Scene one: A small apartment in the Bey's palace Scene two: A large apartment in the palace Scene three: A small apartment in Mustafa's palace Scene four: A grand hall in the palace Mustafa, the Bey of Algeria, has grown tired of his wife Elvira and sends Ali, t...
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