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 Science Framework (CA Dept. of Education)
pieces by mechanical and chemical weathering and the removal of rock and soil by erosion. Water is the primary agent in shaping California’s landscape. Surface water flow, glaciers, wind, and ocean waves have all been and continue to be active throughout California and the rest of the world in...
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pieces by mechanical and chemical weathering and the removal of rock and soil by erosion. Water is the primary agent in shaping California’s landscape. Surface water flow, glaciers, wind, and ocean waves have all been and continue to be active throughout California and the rest of the world in shaping landscapes. A “stream table” may be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of running water as an erosion agent. Stream tables can be easily made from plastic bins or dishpans filled with sand or gravel. The
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pieces by mechanical and chemical weathering and the removal of rock and soil by erosion. Water is the primary agent in shaping California&rsquo;s landscape. Surface water flow, glaciers, wind, and ocean waves have all been and continue to be active throughout California and the rest of the world in shaping landscapes. A &ldquo;stream table&rdquo; may be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of running water as an erosion agent. Stream tables can be easily made from plastic bins or dishpans filled with <span class="highlight">sand</span> or gravel. The
Carrots from California
Document Library: Text Info Documents | Photos | Features | Classroom | Links | Listserv | About Us | Search Publishing Information WHEN YOU DRIVE TO THE IMPERIAL VALLEY FROM any direction you follow a road leading for miles across the scorched sagebrush desert. By the time the mon...
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PBS: Roots in the Sand
PBS - Roots in the Sand Jayasri Majumdar Hart's ROOTS IN THE SAND is a multi-generational portrait of pioneering Punjabi-Mexican families who settled, a century ago, in Southern California's Imperial Valley. Through the use of found footage, archival and family photographs, personal...
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