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10 Kindergarten Earth/Space Science Grade Standards, Supporting Skills, and Examples Indicator 1: Analyze the various structures and processes of the Earth system. Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Standard, Supporting Skills, and Examples (Comprehension) K.E.1.1. Students are able to describe simple...
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10 Kindergarten Earth/Space Science Grade Standards, Supporting Skills, and Examples Indicator 1: Analyze the various structures and processes of the Earth system. Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Standard, Supporting Skills, and Examples (Comprehension) K.E.1.1. Students are able to describe simple Earth patterns in daily life. Examples: weather observations, seasons, night and day #0;9 Explore rocks, sand, water, and soil. Examples of tools and materials to use include sand and water table
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snails, insects, worms, rocks/<span class="highlight">sand</span>, sea shells, etc.). Example: Use magazines or pictures to group things into living and non-living. #0;9 Students are able to discuss the basic needs of plants and animals. Example: Demonstrate what happens to plants after a week or two of not watering. #0;9 Students are able to compare size and shape of living things. Example: Gather and sort a variety of leaves from local trees and plants. Example: Order a variety of mammals from smallest to largest (mouse
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10 Kindergarten Earth/Space Science Grade Standards, Supporting Skills, and Examples Indicator 1: Analyze the various structures and processes of the Earth system. Bloom&rsquo;s Taxonomy Level Standard, Supporting Skills, and Examples (Comprehension) K.E.1.1. Students are able to describe simple Earth patterns in daily life. Examples: weather observations, seasons, night and day #0;9 Explore rocks, <span class="highlight">sand</span>, water, and soil. Examples of tools and materials to use include <span class="highlight">sand</span> and water table
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Example: Use film canisters filled with various materials such as pennies, <span class="highlight">sand</span>, yarn, popcorn, washers. Students order the canisters from lightest to heaviest. (Application) 1.P.1.3. Students are able to predict how common materials interact with water. &bull; Floating/sinking Example: Use items to float/sink: clay, wood, cork, pencils, crayons, coins, cotton balls, etc. #0;9 Soluble/nonsoluble Example: Try to dissolve or mix salt, sugar, toothpaste, oil, etc. in water. Indicator 2: Analyze forces
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18 First Grade Life Science Grade Standards, Supporting Skills, and Examples Indicator 1: Understand the fundamental structures, functions, classifications, and mechanisms found in living things. Bloom&rsquo;s Taxonomy Level Standard, Supporting Skills, and Examples (Application) 1.L.1.1. Students are able to discover life needs of green plants. &bull; Grow plants using variables such as sunlight/no sunlight, soil/no soil, <span class="highlight">sand</span> or rock. (Knowledge) 1.L.1.2. Students are able to identify the parts
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Examples: Separate trail mix, rocks and <span class="highlight">sand</span>, types of beans. Indicator 2: Analyze forces, their forms, and their effects on motions. Bloom&rsquo;s Taxonomy Level Standard, Supporting Skills, and Examples (Application) 2.P.2.1. Students are able to demonstrate how moving objects exhibit different types of motion. Examples: straight, circular, back and forth &bull; Describe motions of common objects in terms of change in position or direction (e.g., up-down, left- right, fast- slow). &bull; Describe how pushes