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Education Web
Viewing 1-1 of 1 total results
 Focus on Basics: Learning Disabilities
functions as part of a memory- based system. The importance of compensatory memory systems in skills but with persistently poor compared to accuracy improved readers, having poorer cognitive, primarily verbal, ability and attending more disadvantaged schools...
1 0
functions as part of a memory- based system. The importance of compensatory memory systems in skills but with persistently poor compared to accuracy improved readers, having poorer cognitive, primarily verbal, ability and attending more disadvantaged schools. These findings suggest that persistently poor readers may be doubly disadvantaged in being exposed to a less rich language environment at home and then less effective reading instruction at school. In contrast, protective factors in the accuracy
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<span class="highlight">functions</span> as part <span class="highlight">of</span> a memory- <span class="highlight">based</span> system. <span class="highlight">The</span> importance <span class="highlight">of</span> compensatory memory systems in skills but with persistently poor compared to <span class="highlight">accuracy</span> improved readers, having poorer cognitive, primarily verbal, ability and attending more disadvantaged schools. These findings suggest that persistently poor readers may be doubly disadvantaged in being exposed to a less rich language environment at home and then less effective reading instruction at school. In contrast, protective factors in <span class="highlight">the</span> <span class="highlight">accuracy</span>