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Viewing 1-8 of 8 total results
Geocaching: High-Tech Hide-and-Seek
geography and "caching" for the act of hiding something in a secret spot. The sport is based on the use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit (a hand-held electric device that uses satellites to provide longitude and latitude coordinates accurate to about five to ten mete...
GPS Technology Drives Global Treasure Hunt
Brian Handwerk for National Geographic News December 1, 2004 The key to hidden treasure lies in your handheld GPS (global positioning system) unit. GPS-based "geocaching" is a high-tech sport being played by thousands of people across the globe. To the uninitiated, the si...
Oldest Rodent Cache Found -- Filled With Fossil Nuts
Fossil Nuts John Pickrell in England for National Geographic News December 10, 2003 Paleontologists in Germany have uncovered the world's oldest underground pantry. The unusual fossil was spotted by accident in an open pit mine near the city of Cologne. Thought to be more t...
pile. Why aren't my changes (edits) showing up? Most likely, this is a cache problem. Internet Explorer can be especially aggressive in storing cached (old) versions of web pages. For more information about cache, see our page on clearing cache. If you are trying to cle...
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Valley of the Kings
21st Dynasty opened the tombs, collected the mummies and buried them in two or more "caches". The first "cache" was a rock tomb high up in the mountains of Deir el-Bahari that was probably intended as the family tomb of the 21st Dynasty king-priests. The seco...
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park
enchantment of a long hard slog. Approximately 40 miles (64 kilometers) of trails run through the Fakahatchee, the vestige of a railroad system used to haul out bald cypress trees in the 1940s. Numbered gates at trailheads along dusty, potholed Janes Scenic Drive serve as reference p...
Geography4Kids: Atmospheres File Not Found There are no pages in this section. If you are not automatically redirected, please return to the appropriate folder with this link.
Iowa Department of Education
New Site Redirect We have launched a new website. If you are not automatically redirected please click the link below: If you are being directed to this page from the new url ( please clear your browsing history and cache and click the link above....
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