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 Focus on Basics: Learning Disabilities
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dysfunction in left hemisphere posterior reading circuits is already present in dyslexic children and cannot be ascribed simply to a lifetime of poor reading (reviewed in Price & Mechelli, 2005; S. Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2005). This disruption in posterior ...
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dysfunction in left hemisphere posterior reading circuits is already present in dyslexic children and cannot be ascribed simply to a lifetime of poor reading (reviewed in Price & Mechelli, 2005; S. Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2005). This disruption in posterior neural systems, especially the disruption in the word form area (believed to be where rapid automatic, fluent identification of words occurs) during reading has been termed the "neural signature for dyslexia." The significance of the neural signature
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processing contributes most to discriminating dyslexic and average readers, and average and superior readers as well. Children <span class="highlight">with</span> dyslexia neither spontaneously remit nor do they catch up <span class="highlight">with</span> &ldquo;Dyslexia does not resolve their peers <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">the</span> development of reading skills. That is not to say that many dyslexic readers do not become proficient <span class="highlight">in</span> reading <span class="highlight">a</span> finite domain of <span class="highlight">words</span> that are <span class="highlight">in</span> their area of special interest, usually <span class="highlight">words</span> that are important <span class="highlight">for</span> their careers. <span class="highlight">For</span> example, an individual who
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dysfunction <span class="highlight">in</span> left hemisphere posterior reading circuits is already present <span class="highlight">in</span> dyslexic children and cannot be ascribed simply to <span class="highlight">a</span> lifetime of poor reading (reviewed <span class="highlight">in</span> Price &amp; Mechelli, 2005; S. Shaywitz &amp; Shaywitz, 2005). This disruption <span class="highlight">in</span> posterior <span class="highlight">neural</span> systems, especially <span class="highlight">the</span> disruption <span class="highlight">in</span> <span class="highlight">the</span> word form area (believed to be where rapid automatic, fluent identification of <span class="highlight">words</span> occurs) during reading has been termed <span class="highlight">the</span> &quot;<span class="highlight">neural</span> signature <span class="highlight">for</span> dyslexia.&quot; <span class="highlight">The</span> significance of <span class="highlight">the</span> <span class="highlight">neural</span> signature
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literary writing, science, medicine, law, and education. <span class="highlight">The</span> utilization of advances <span class="highlight">in</span> neuroscience to inform educational policy and practices provides an exciting example of translational science being used <span class="highlight">for</span> <span class="highlight">the</span> public good. References Dehaene, S., Cohen, L., Sigman, M., &amp; Vinckier, F. (2005). &quot;<span class="highlight">The</span> <span class="highlight">neural</span> code <span class="highlight">for</span> written <span class="highlight">words</span>: <span class="highlight">a</span> proposal.&quot; Trends <span class="highlight">in</span> Cognitive Sciences, 9(7), 335-341. Ferrer, E., McArdle, J., Shaywitz, B., Holahan, J., Marchione, K., &amp; Shaywitz, S. (<span class="highlight">in</span> press). &quot;Longitudinal