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list examples of human/environmental interaction on a T chart. • 8.3.tpi.3. use the key elements of maps, charts, graphs, and other representations to read and understand the early Colonial American information presented. • 8.3.tpi.4. draw on a map the major topographic and p...
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list examples of human/environmental interaction on a T chart. • 8.3.tpi.3. use the key elements of maps, charts, graphs, and other representations to read and understand the early Colonial American information presented. • 8.3.tpi.4. draw on a map the major topographic and political features of the United States relevant to early American history. • 8.3.tpi.5. research and describe specific instances where humans have shaped or been shaped by the environment. at Level 2, the student is able to • 8.3
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list examples of human/environmental interaction on a T chart. &bull; 8.3.tpi.3. use the key elements of <span class="highlight">maps</span>, charts, graphs, and other representations to read and understand the early Colonial American information presented. &bull; 8.3.tpi.4. draw on a map the major <span class="highlight">topographic</span> and political features of the United States relevant to early American history. &bull; 8.3.tpi.5. research and describe specific instances where humans have shaped or been shaped by the environment. at Level 2, the student is able to &bull; 8.3