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 Minnesota Academic Standards
emotional appeals, bias and prejudice. 3. Students will know and analyze the points of access and influence people can use to affect elections and public policy decisions. 4. Students will understand the importance of informed decision making and the roles of public speaking, co...
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emotional appeals, bias and prejudice. 3. Students will know and analyze the points of access and influence people can use to affect elections and public policy decisions. 4. Students will understand the importance of informed decision making and the roles of public speaking, conducting a public meeting, letter writing, petition signing, negotiation, active listening, conflict resolution, and mediation, defending a public policy position in a civil conversation. 2. Web pages, editorials, letters to the editor
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emotional appeals, bias and prejudice. 3. Students will know and analyze the points <span class="highlight">of</span> access and influence people can use to affect elections and public policy decisions. 4. Students will understand the importance <span class="highlight">of</span> informed decision making and the roles <span class="highlight">of</span> public speaking, conducting a public meeting, letter writing, petition signing, negotiation, active listening, conflict resolution, and mediation, defending a public policy position <span class="highlight">in</span> a civil conversation. 2. Web pages, editorials, letters to the editor