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 Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework: August 2003
Grades 1 and 2 (continued) ❚ Tell time at quarter-hour intervals on analog and digital clocks using a.m. and p.m. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY ❚ Use interviews, surveys, and observations to gather data about themselves and their surroundings. ❚ Organize, cla...
1 0
Grades 1 and 2 (continued) ❚ Tell time at quarter-hour intervals on analog and digital clocks using a.m. and p.m. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY ❚ Use interviews, surveys, and observations to gather data about themselves and their surroundings. ❚ Organize, classify, represent, and interpret data using tallies, charts, tables, bar graphs, pictographs, and Venn diagrams, and interpret the representations. ❚ Formulate inferences (draw conclusions) and make educated guesses (conjectures
130 0
Grades 1 and 2 (continued) &#10074; Tell time at quarter-hour intervals on analog and <span class="highlight">digital</span> clocks using a.m. and p.m. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY &#10074; Use interviews, surveys, and observations to gather data about themselves and their surroundings. &#10074; Organize, classify, represent, and interpret data using tallies, charts, tables, bar graphs, pictographs, and Venn diagrams, and interpret the representations. &#10074; Formulate inferences (draw conclusions) and make educated guesses (conjectures