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 Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework: August 2003
64 64
125 125
presenting research, including using an expanded range of print and nonprint sources, following established criteria for evaluating information, locating specific information using indexes, tables of contents, and electronic search keywords, and providing documentation in a consistent format....
1 0
presenting research, including using an expanded range of print and nonprint sources, following established criteria for evaluating information, locating specific information using indexes, tables of contents, and electronic search keywords, and providing documentation in a consistent format. Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework August 2003 119
64 0
(H, E) WHII.15 (H, E) World History II Learning Standards (continued) Germany. (H) A. Germany&rsquo;s replacement of France as the dominant power in continental Europe B. the role of Cavour and Bismarck in the unification of Italy and Germany WHII.11 A. the desire for economic gain and resources B. the missionary impulse and the <span class="highlight">search</span> for strategic advantage and national pride ATIN ISTORY IN THE TH AND EARLY TH CENTURIES A. the economic and political relationship between India and Britain B. the
125 0
presenting research, including using an expanded range of print and nonprint sources, following established criteria for evaluating information, locating specific information using indexes, tables of contents, and electronic <span class="highlight">search</span> keywords, and providing documentation in a consistent format. Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework August 2003 119