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Scholastic: Saluting Tech-Savvy Districts
Saluting Tech-Savvy Districts | Administrator Magazine Scholastic Administrator is a must-read resource for 240,000 of today's results-driven school leaders. Every issue features leadership for education executives, insight and analysis into what's next i...
Scholastic: Buzzworthy Products and News from FETC
FETC Report | Administrator Magazine Scholastic Administrator is a must-read resource for 240,000 of today's results-driven school leaders. Every issue features leadership for education executives, insight and analysis into what's next in education, and r...
Scholastic: Hardware & software for 21st century schools
large districts to digitize, analyze, and store a mountain of paperwork. In addition to performing accurate optical mark recognition, the iNSIGHT 150 can straighten skewed pages and be set to process information held only within gray boxes. The Arlington Independent Schoo...
Scholastic: Hands-on Favorites: Assessment Systems
Assessment Systems | Administrator Magazine Scholastic Administrator is a must-read resource for 240,000 of today's results-driven school leaders. Every issue features leadership for education executives, insight and analysis into what's next in education...
Scholastic: How Technology Can Quell Rumors
aftermath of the confusion, the district created a “Fact or Fiction” part of its web site ( to either verify or disprove information. Overall, the web site records 4 million hits a month, and any topic that could inspire calls from parents becomes fodde...