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Central Asian civilizations in the areas of art, architecture and culture; science, technology and mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs; and military strategy. 7 – W3.1.6 Use historic and modern maps to locate and describe trade networks...
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Central Asian civilizations in the areas of art, architecture and culture; science, technology and mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs; and military strategy. 7 – W3.1.6 Use historic and modern maps to locate and describe trade networks among empires in the classical era. 7 – W3.1.7 Use a case study to describe how trade integrated cultures and influenced the economy within empires (e.g., Assyrian and Persian trade networks or networks of Egypt and Nubia/Kush; or
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Central Asian civilizations <span class="highlight">in</span> the areas <span class="highlight">of</span> art, architecture and culture; science, technology and mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs; and military strategy. 7 &ndash; W3.1.6 Use historic and modern maps to locate and describe trade <span class="highlight">networks</span> among empires <span class="highlight">in</span> the classical era. 7 &ndash; W3.1.7 Use a case study to describe how trade integrated cultures and influenced the economy within empires (e.g., Assyrian and Persian trade <span class="highlight">networks</span> or <span class="highlight">networks</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> Egypt and Nubia/Kush; or