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 Independent Evaluation of the Alignment of the California Standards Tests (CSTs) and the C...
187 187
188 188
A ppendix D . W orkshop M aterials for Panelists H um an R esources R esearch O rganization (H um R R O ) P age D -7 Example Format of Depth-of-Knowledge (DoK) Rating Sheet for CST Standards Enter rating of 1 to 4 DOK Rating Form in blanks below. ELA Content Standa...
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A ppendix D . W orkshop M aterials for Panelists H um an R esources R esearch O rganization (H um R R O ) P age D -7 Example Format of Depth-of-Knowledge (DoK) Rating Sheet for CST Standards Enter rating of 1 to 4 DOK Rating Form in blanks below. ELA Content Standards Grade 2 CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING CODE 1.0 WORD ANALYSIS, FLUENCY, AND SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them
187 0
A ppendix D . W orkshop M aterials <span class="highlight">for</span> Panelists H um an R esources R esearch O rganization (H um R R O ) P age D -7 Example Format <span class="highlight">of</span> Depth-<span class="highlight">of</span>-Knowledge (DoK) Rating Sheet <span class="highlight">for</span> CST Standards Enter rating <span class="highlight">of</span> 1 to 4 DOK Rating Form in blanks below. ELA Content Standards Grade 2 CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING CODE 1.0 WORD <span class="highlight">ANALYSIS</span>, FLUENCY, AND SYSTEMATIC VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Students understand the basic features <span class="highlight">of</span> reading. They select letter patterns and know how to translate them
188 0
C ST and C A PA A lignm ent R eport (D R A FT 2-5-2007) CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS: READING CODE 2.2 Comprehension and <span class="highlight">Analysis</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: use appropriate strategies when reading <span class="highlight">for</span> different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location <span class="highlight">of</span> <span class="highlight">information</span>, personal enjoyment) NA* 2.3 Comprehension and <span class="highlight">Analysis</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles