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Archiving Early America: Jay's Treaty
Louisiana Purchase Treaty Newburgh Address Declaration of Arms Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 Letter of Transmittal of the U.S. Constitution Declaration of Rights Jay's Treaty Northwest Ordinance Washington's Farewell Address Boston Massacre Rare Images Places Events Early Scenes People Battle...
Juan Domingo Peron
Known as 'the Younger', son of the 1st Earl of Chatham (the Elder Pitt). Entered Parliament in 1781, became Chancellor of the Exchequer 1782, and Prime Minister (1783-1801 and 1805-6). Had a leading role in the coalition against France on the outbreak of the Revolutionary Wars; passed the...
William Pitt
Known as 'the Younger', son of the 1st Earl of Chatham (the Elder Pitt). Entered Parliament in 1781, became Chancellor of the Exchequer 1782, and Prime Minister (1783-1801 and 1805-6). Had a leading role in the coalition against France on the outbreak of the Revolutionary Wars; passed the...
Ranjit Singh
Known as 'the Younger', son of the 1st Earl of Chatham (the Elder Pitt). Entered Parliament in 1781, became Chancellor of the Exchequer 1782, and Prime Minister (1783-1801 and 1805-6). Had a leading role in the coalition against France on the outbreak of the Revolutionary Wars; passed the...