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 Microsoft Word - 2007 MS Math Framework Competencies and Objectives 9-18-07.doc
about the characteristics of graphs and their associated equations, expanding the techniques used to solve equations, and applying properties in real-world applications, routine word, and non-routine problems. Technology should be a component of the instruction. The instruction...
1 0
about the characteristics of graphs and their associated equations, expanding the techniques used to solve equations, and applying properties in real-world applications, routine word, and non-routine problems. Technology should be a component of the instruction. The instructional approach should provide opportunities for students to work together collaboratively and cooperatively as they solve routine and non-routine problems. Communication strategies should include reading, writing, speaking, and
46 0
about the characteristics <span class="highlight">of</span> graphs and their associated equations, expanding the techniques used to solve equations, and applying properties in real-world applications, routine word, and non-routine problems. Technology should be a <span class="highlight">component</span> <span class="highlight">of</span> the instruction. The instructional approach should provide opportunities <span class="highlight">for</span> students to work together collaboratively and cooperatively as they solve routine and non-routine problems. Communication strategies should include reading, writing, speaking, and