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LANIC: K-12 Latin American Studies
Exhibits Documentaries Resources for Children School Directories Regional Resources Correo del Maestro Revista para Profesores de Educación Básica Ediciones Novedades Educativas Eduteca Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones para enseñanza Bá...
Average Rating (0 votes) Bio: Ag�eros, Jack
Stonehaulers (1991). He is also the translator of Song of the Simple Truth: The Complete Poems of Julia de Burgos (Curbstone Press, 1996), the author of Dominoes & Other Stories from the Puerto Rican (1993), and the editor of Immigrant Experience: The Anguish of Becoming American (Dial, 1992). H...
Average Rating (0 votes) Sandra Cisneros
and The House on Mango Street (1984), which won the American Book Award in 1985; and a bilingual children's book, Hairs: Pelitos (1994). Her articles and reviews have appeared in publications including Glamour, The New York Times, and Revista Chicano-Riquena. Among her honors are fellowships...
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 Linkages between Pro-Poor Growth, Social Programmes and Labour Market: The Recent Brazilia...
“A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources”, Revista Brasileira de Econom ia 57(1), 59-92: Brazil. G asparini, L. (2003). “D ifferent Lives: Inequality in Latin Am erica and the Caribbean”, M im eo, Inequality and the State in Latin Am erica and...
1 0
“A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources”, Revista Brasileira de Econom ia 57(1), 59-92: Brazil. G asparini, L. (2003). “D ifferent Lives: Inequality in Latin Am erica and the Caribbean”, M im eo, Inequality and the State in Latin Am erica and the Caribbean W orld Bank LAC Flagship Report 2003, W orld Bank: W ashington, D .C. Hoffm an, R, (1989). “A evolução da distribuição de renda no Brasil, entre pessoas e entre fam ílias”, 1979/86. In Sedlacek, G ., and Barros R. M ercado
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&ldquo;A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources&rdquo;, <span class="highlight">Revista</span> Brasileira de Econom ia 57(1), 59-92: Brazil. G asparini, L. (2003). &ldquo;D ifferent Lives: Inequality in Latin Am erica and the Caribbean&rdquo;, M im eo, Inequality and the State in Latin Am erica and the Caribbean W orld Bank LAC Flagship Report 2003, W orld Bank: W ashington, D .C. Hoffm an, R, (1989). &ldquo;A evolu&ccedil;&atilde;o da distribui&ccedil;&atilde;o de renda no Brasil, entre pessoas e entre fam &iacute;lias&rdquo;, 1979/86. In Sedlacek, G ., and Barros R. M ercado
Latin American History Resources
Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios La Coca en la Historia de Bolivia By Magdalena Cajias de la Vega, Revista Boliviana de Cultura Brazil Arquivo Nacional Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesq...
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A Concise History of Liberation Theology
(published in seven languages) devoted a complete issue (vol. 6, no. 10, June 1974) to the subject of liberation theology, with all the articles coming from Latin American liberation theologians. A number of important reviews in Latin America have become regular vehicles for the publication of ar...
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Scarab Workers: Ratcliffe, Brett C.
Dynastinae). Coleopterists Bulletin 48: 91-93. 63. Ratcliffe, B. C. 1995. American burying beetle. Nebraska’s Threatened and Endangered Species insert in NEBRASKAland Magazine 73, 6 pp. 64. Maes, J.-M. and B. C. Ratcliffe. 1996. Scarabaeidae nuevos para la fauna de Nicaragua. Revista...