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 A note on measuring unemployment
Hyun H. Son and N anak Kakwani 9 REFERENCES International Labor O rganization. (1992). “Productive Em ploym ent for the Poor”, International Labor Review, Vol. 132, N o. 1. Ferreira, F., Lanjouw, P. and N eri, M . (2003). “A robust poverty profile for Brazil using m ultiple dat...
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Hyun H. Son and N anak Kakwani 9 REFERENCES International Labor O rganization. (1992). “Productive Em ploym ent for the Poor”, International Labor Review, Vol. 132, N o. 1. Ferreira, F., Lanjouw, P. and N eri, M . (2003). “A robust poverty profile for Brazil using m ultiple data sources,” Revista Brasileira de Econom ica 57 (1), pp. 59-92. Rocha, S. (1993). “Poverty lines for Brazil: N ew estim ates from em pirical evidence”, m im eo IPEA W orking Paper, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. .
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Hyun H. Son and N anak Kakwani 9 REFERENCES International Labor O rganization. (1992). &ldquo;Productive Em ploym ent for the Poor&rdquo;, International Labor Review, Vol. 132, N o. 1. Ferreira, F., Lanjouw, P. and N eri, M . (2003). &ldquo;A robust poverty profile for Brazil using m ultiple data sources,&rdquo; <span class="highlight">Revista</span> Brasileira de Econom ica 57 (1), pp. 59-92. Rocha, S. (1993). &ldquo;Poverty lines for Brazil: N ew estim ates from em pirical evidence&rdquo;, m im eo IPEA W orking Paper, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. .
 Measuring the Impact of Price Changes on Poverty
(2003) “A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources”, Revista Brasileira de Econom ia 57 (1), 59-92: Brazil. Son, H. H. and Kakw ani, N . (2006) “M easuring Im pact of Prices on Inequality: w ith applications to Thailand and Korea”, Journal of E...
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(2003) “A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources”, Revista Brasileira de Econom ia 57 (1), 59-92: Brazil. Son, H. H. and Kakw ani, N . (2006) “M easuring Im pact of Prices on Inequality: w ith applications to Thailand and Korea”, Journal of Econom ic Inequality, 2006 (Aug.), Vol. 4, N o. 2, 181-207. Son, H. H. (2006) “Assessing the Pro-Poorness of Governm ent Fiscal Policy: The Thailand Case”, 2006 (July), Public Finance Review , Vol. 34, N o. 4, 1-23.
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(2003) &ldquo;A Robust Poverty Profile for Brazil using M ultiple D ata Sources&rdquo;, <span class="highlight">Revista</span> Brasileira de Econom ia 57 (1), 59-92: Brazil. Son, H. H. and Kakw ani, N . (2006) &ldquo;M easuring Im pact of Prices on Inequality: w ith applications to Thailand and Korea&rdquo;, Journal of Econom ic Inequality, 2006 (Aug.), Vol. 4, N o. 2, 181-207. Son, H. H. (2006) &ldquo;Assessing the Pro-Poorness of Governm ent Fiscal Policy: The Thailand Case&rdquo;, 2006 (July), Public Finance Review , Vol. 34, N o. 4, 1-23.
 For full Report: Zambia
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Sector" in Research: Theory and Practice, CASP II, Rotterdam. Bresser-Pereira, L.C. (1983) 'Nota sobre o Déficit Público e a Correção Monetária', Revista de Economia Política 3 (4), pp.135-138. Bruno, M. (1995) 'Does Inflation Really Lower Growth...
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Sector" in Research: Theory and Practice, CASP II, Rotterdam. Bresser-Pereira, L.C. (1983) 'Nota sobre o Déficit Público e a Correção Monetária', Revista de Economia Política 3 (4), pp.135-138. Bruno, M. (1995) 'Does Inflation Really Lower Growth?' Finance and Development 32 (3), pp.35-38. Bruno, M. and Easterly, W. (1996) 'Inflation and Growth: In Search of a Stable Relationship', Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review May-June, pp.139-146. Byrne, Bridget (1994), Gender Profile of Zambia, BRIDGE
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Sector&quot; in Research: Theory and Practice, CASP II, Rotterdam. Bresser-Pereira, L.C. (1983) 'Nota sobre o D&eacute;ficit P&uacute;blico e a Corre&ccedil;&atilde;o Monet&aacute;ria', <span class="highlight">Revista</span> de Economia Pol&iacute;tica 3 (4), pp.135-138. Bruno, M. (1995) 'Does Inflation Really Lower Growth?' Finance and Development 32 (3), pp.35-38. Bruno, M. and Easterly, W. (1996) 'Inflation and Growth: In Search of a Stable Relationship', Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review May-June, pp.139-146. Byrne, Bridget (1994), Gender Profile of Zambia, BRIDGE
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Sector&quot; in Research: Theory and Practice, CASP II, Rotterdam. Bresser-Pereira, L.C. (1983) 'Nota sobre o D&eacute;ficit P&uacute;blico e a Corre&ccedil;&atilde;o Monet&aacute;ria', <span class="highlight">Revista</span> de Economia Pol&iacute;tica 3 (4), pp.135-138. Bruno, M. (1995) 'Does Inflation Really Lower Growth?' Finance and Development 32 (3), pp.35-38. Bruno, M. and Easterly, W. (1996) 'Inflation and Growth: In Search of a Stable Relationship', Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review May-June, pp.139-146. Byrne, Bridget (1994), Gender Profile of Zambia, BRIDGE