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 ReadWriteThink: Writing A Riddle Poem
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antithesis, and the starting each line with the adjective are all good. It’s pretty stylish as it is but there’s one more thing we can do. Why end each line with a period? Why not emphasize the pairs of opposites by making them couplets? Still, I am like a mirror, Fast, I a...
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antithesis, and the starting each line with the adjective are all good. It’s pretty stylish as it is but there’s one more thing we can do. Why end each line with a period? Why not emphasize the pairs of opposites by making them couplets? Still, I am like a mirror, Fast, I am stronger than stone. Wet, I can burn you, Cold, I can keep you warm. Life, I can be in the desert, Death, I can be on the riverbank. What am I? Note: When using rhetorical devices and poetic techniques such as alliteration
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Describe <span class="highlight">using</span> figurative language -<span class="highlight">Using</span> what you&rsquo;ve come up with so far, think <span class="highlight">of</span> ways to use figurative language to describe your answer and to give clues. -Imagery: The river cut through the canyon before ambling along the plain. -Metaphor: Streams are fish roads. -Metonymy: The wetness splashed upon us. -Onomatopoeia: Water laps the shore. -Personification: The water cooked my egg. -Simile: Pools <span class="highlight">of</span> water reflect like mirrors. -Synecdoche: The ship sank in the drink. Choose elements
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antithesis, and the starting each line with the adjective are all good. It&rsquo;s pretty stylish as it is but there&rsquo;s <span class="highlight">one</span> more thing we can do. Why end each line with a period? Why not emphasize the pairs <span class="highlight">of</span> opposites by making them couplets? Still, I am like a mirror, Fast, I am stronger than stone. Wet, I can burn you, Cold, I can keep you warm. Life, I can be in the desert, Death, I can be on the riverbank. What am I? Note: When <span class="highlight">using</span> rhetorical devices and poetic techniques such as alliteration