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Hornbostel, Henry (Callanwolde Fine Arts Center)
(initially an ad hoc committee of the Druid Hills Association) and is now on the National Registry of Historic Places. Views of the front The front entrance Like Hornbostel's work for Emory University, this residence draws on historic precedents, here Tudor half...
Campaign Roundup: Obama, McCain Trading Jabs
publicity had not given him a bounce in the polls. At the same time, John McCain's poll numbers weren't hurt by Obama's trip. But McCain was hammered this week by the press and some Republicans for a series of negative attacks on Obama. We've called NPR's national political corr...
TV Networks Refuse to Run Church Ad
text size A A A December 2, 2004 CBS and NBC have refused to air a TV commercial for the United Church of Christ, saying the ad is too controversial. The 30-second commercial shows two bouncers standing in front of a church refusing to let some people in, i...