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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, ad hoc, cause célèbre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d’être, laissez faire,...
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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, ad hoc, cause célèbre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d’être, laissez faire, bête noire, en masse, in absentia, sub rosa, schadenfreude, noblesse oblige, sine qua non, deus ex machina, doppelgänger, coup d’état).
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bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>, cause c&eacute;l&egrave;bre, magnum opus, persona non grata, quid pro quo, je ne sais quoi, modus operandi, nom de plume, haute couture, mea culpa, raison d&rsquo;&ecirc;tre, laissez faire, b&ecirc;te noire, en masse, <span class="highlight">in</span> absentia, sub rosa, schadenfreude, noblesse oblige, sine qua non, deus ex machina, doppelg&auml;nger, coup d&rsquo;&eacute;tat).
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sufficiency <span class="highlight">of</span> evidence used to support or oppose an argument. #0;3 3005.5.5 Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions. #0;3 3005.5.6 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument. #0;3 3005.5.7 Identify false premises and explain the role they play <span class="highlight">in</span> argumentation. #0;3 3005.5.8 Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem
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in text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships in text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used in an ad or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded wor...
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in text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships in text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used in an ad or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials, name-calling, plain folks, misuse of statistics, transfer, card stacking). SPI 3003.5.6 Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., appeal to fear, personal attack {ad hominem}, false dilemma, false analogy
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English III Page 2 #0;3 3003.1.9 Demonstrate understanding <span class="highlight">of</span> common foreign words and phrases (e.g., RSVP, d&eacute;j&agrave; vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage, alma mater, cum laude, femme fatale, esprit de corps, verbatim, E pluribus unum, prima donna, avant-garde, status quo, joie de vivre, carte blanche, caveat emptor, alpha and omega, tabula rasa, hoi polloi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> nauseam, carpe diem, tempus fugit, c&rsquo;est la vie, bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>
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English III Page 3 SPI 3003.1.13 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, d&eacute;j&agrave; vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage, alma mater, cum laude, femme fatale, esprit de corps, verbatim, E pluribus unum, prima donna, avant-garde, status quo, joie de vivre, carte blanche, caveat emptor, alpha and omega, tabula rasa, hoi polloi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> nauseam, carpe diem, tempus fugit, c&rsquo;est la vie, bona fide, savoir faire, non sequitur, id est, enfant terrible, terra firma, vox populi, <span class="highlight">ad</span> <span class="highlight">hoc</span>, cause c&eacute;l&egrave;bre
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sufficiency <span class="highlight">of</span> evidence used to support or oppose an argument. #0;3 3003.5.5 Identify established methods (e.g., scientific, historical) used to distinguish between factual claims and opinions. #0;3 3003.5.6 Distinguish between evidence which is directly stated and evidence which is implied within an argument. #0;3 3003.5.7 Identify false premises and explain the role they play <span class="highlight">in</span> argumentation. #0;3 3003.5.8 Analyze common logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem
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<span class="highlight">in</span> text. SPI 3003.5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy. SPI 3003.5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion. SPI 3003.5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships <span class="highlight">in</span> text. SPI 3003.5.5 Select the persuasive device used <span class="highlight">in</span> an <span class="highlight">ad</span> or speech (i.e., bandwagon, loaded words, testimonials, name-calling, plain folks, misuse <span class="highlight">of</span> statistics, transfer, card stacking). SPI 3003.5.6 Identify the logical fallacy (i.e., appeal to fear, personal attack {<span class="highlight">ad</span> hominem}, false dilemma, false analogy
English II Page 3 SPI 3002.1.14 Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. SPI 3002.1.15 Proofread a written passage for errors in punctuation and/or capitalization and/or spelling. SPI 3002.1.16 Use a sampl...
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English II Page 3 SPI 3002.1.14 Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. SPI 3002.1.15 Proofread a written passage for errors in punctuation and/or capitalization and/or spelling. SPI 3002.1.16 Use a sample reference source to determine aspects of a given word (e.g., spelling, part of speech, definition, cognates, etymology, synonyms). SPI 3002.1.17 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, déjà vu
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English II Page 3 SPI 3002.1.14 Use context clues and/or knowledge <span class="highlight">of</span> roots, affixes, and cognates to determine the meaning <span class="highlight">of</span> unfamiliar words. SPI 3002.1.15 Proofread a written passage for errors <span class="highlight">in</span> punctuation and/or capitalization and/or spelling. SPI 3002.1.16 Use a sample reference source to determine aspects <span class="highlight">of</span> a given word (e.g., spelling, part <span class="highlight">of</span> speech, definition, cognates, etymology, synonyms). SPI 3002.1.17 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, d&eacute;j&agrave; vu