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 Indiana Academic Standards-US Government
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treaties, sanctions and military intervention USG.4.7 Describe the influence individuals, businesses, labor and other organizations exercise on United States foreign policy. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Corporate lobbyists, unions, citizen groups, educational institutions,...
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treaties, sanctions and military intervention USG.4.7 Describe the influence individuals, businesses, labor and other organizations exercise on United States foreign policy. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Corporate lobbyists, unions, citizen groups, educational institutions, media and world institutions USG.4.8 Provide examples of non-governmental international organizations and explain their role in international affairs. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: The
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treaties, sanctions and military intervention USG.4.7 Describe the influence individuals, businesses, labor and other organizations exercise on United States foreign policy. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Corporate lobbyists, unions, citizen groups, educational institutions, media and world institutions USG.4.8 Provide examples <span class="highlight">of</span> non-governmental <span class="highlight">international</span> organizations and explain their role in <span class="highlight">international</span> <span class="highlight">affairs</span>. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: The
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Approved October 2007 United States Government, Page 9 Example: Whitney v. California (1927), Stromberg v. California (1931), Near v. Minnesota (1931), Mapp v. Ohio (1961), Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972), Roe v. Wade (1973), Texas v. Johnson (1989) and Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997) USG.5.11 Give examples <span class="highlight">of</span> the role that individual citizens can play in world <span class="highlight">affairs</span>. Example: Join <span class="highlight">international</span> aid organizations such as the Peace Corps or Habitat for Humanity