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Viewing 1-2 of 2 total results
Revolutions of 1848: Kogalniceanu, Mihail
played key and indispensable roles in the development of modern Romania for more than half a century, before, during, and after 1848. Paul E. Michelson Bibliography Al. Zub, Mihail Kogalniceanu, 1817-1891 Biobibliografie. Bucuresti, 1971 ___. Kogalniceanu istoric Iasi, 1974. ___. "Din ac...
Revolutions of 1848: Romanians and Serbs in 1848
Simion Mindrut Bibliography I. D. Suciu, Revolutia de la 1848-1849 in Banat (Bucuresti, 1968). I. D. Suciu, "Rumänen und Serben in der Revolution des Jahres 1848 im Banat" Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Européennes, VI (1968), 609-623 . I. D. Suciu & Gr. Popiti, "...