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Viewing 1-3 of 3 total results
World War II Poster Collection
papers. Publications and documents from the state of Illinois have been regularly acquired since 1971. City of Chicago publications are also collected. The department is a depository for European Union and United Nations publications and collects documents from many other international organ...
 Mapmaking Guide (9-12)
on a street map) or a set of intersecting lines identifying selected latitudes and longitudes (often used on topographic or world maps).
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on a street map) or a set of intersecting lines identifying selected latitudes and longitudes (often used on topographic or world maps).
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on a street map) or a set of intersecting lines identifying selected latitudes and longitudes (often used on <span class="highlight">topographic</span> or world <span class="highlight">maps</span>).
Expedition Stories
One team might present an overall view tracing and annotating the various expeditions on a map of the world. Research and report on the modern expeditions proposed for the 2004 Transit.